›› 2013, Vol. 26 ›› Issue (10): 133-.

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Design of a Novel Dielectric Loaded Rectangular Horn Antenna

PENG Yu,LI Ping,HU Weidong   

  1. (1.Graduate Brigade,Engineering University of CAPF,Xi'an 710086,China;2.Communications Department,Engineering University of CAPF,Xi'an 710086,China)
  • Online:2013-10-15 Published:2013-10-23


Traditional land satellite communication system mostly use parabolic antenna,which is bulky and inflexible.The horn antenna can overcome the shortcomings mentioned above,but with smaller gain and greater loss.This article designs a new type of dielectric loaded rectangular horn antenna which has a two-layer structure,the upper being radiation structure and the lower micro-strip slot coupled feed structure.The radiation structure is a rectangular copper whose center is a rectangular horn hole.This antenna is moderate in size,easy to activities,and has an obvious improvement over the traditional ones in the gain,the reflection coefficient and the half-power lobe width.

Key words: horn antennas;dielectric loaded;satellite communications

CLC Number: 

  • TN821+.3