›› 2013, Vol. 26 ›› Issue (6): 10-.

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Design of a Solar Tracking Control System Based on ARM

LIU Lulu,HUANG Xiangkang,QIU Xuanbing,WEI Jilin   

  1. (College of Applied Science,Taiyuan University of Science and Technology,Taiyuan 030024,China)
  • Online:2013-06-15 Published:2013-06-04


To improve the generating efficiency of tracking concentrating photovoltaic system,a sun tracking control system is designed based on ARM.The system tracks the sun by the method combining the sun tracking movement and four-quadrant sensor.The control system acquires the light intensity of an independent light intensity sensor to decide whether or not to start the tracking system (e.g.cloudy or rainy day).The mechanical structure of the tracking control system,hardware circuit design and software design are elaborated.Experiment indicates that this tracking control system has the advantages of low-power,reliable performance,and high tracking accuracy within ±1.5°.It can realize high precision tracking of the sun and satisfy the requirement of concentrate photovoltaic generating control system.

Key words: automatic tracking;low-power ARM;sun tracking movement method;independent light intensity sensor

CLC Number: 

  • TG156