›› 2013, Vol. 26 ›› Issue (6): 157-.

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Application of the Beidou/INS Integrated Navigation Artificial Fish-swarm Particle Filter

LI Jiasen,XI Zhihong,ZHAO Yanqing   

  1. (College of Information & Communication Engineering,Harbin Engineering University,Harbin 150001,China)
  • Online:2013-06-15 Published:2013-06-04


In order to solve the problems of particle degeneracy and particle impoverishment in particle filtering,a new particle filter which based on the dynamic artificial fish school algorithm (DAFSA-PF) is proposed in this paper.This algorithm uses the foraging behavior and cluster behavior in resample process of particle filtering to adjust the step of artificial fish based on the dynamic ratio of probability density dynamically.The new algorithm overcomes the problems of particle degeneracy and particle impoverishment by increasing the diversity of particles,drives the particles to the optimum area,enhances the global search ability of particles,and avoids the particles falling into local optimum areas.This DAFSA-aided Particle Filtering technology is applied in the tight coupling Compass/INS system model.The existing artificial fish school particle filtering algorithm is compared with the conventional particle filtering algorithm.Simulation results show that the DAFSA-aided Particle Filtering algorithm improves the estimation accuracy significantly,thus becoming a new method for Beidou/INS integrated navigation.

Key words: artificial fish school algorithm;particle filter;integrated navigation;tight coupling;particle degeneracy;particle impoverishment

CLC Number: 

  • TN967.1