›› 2013, Vol. 26 ›› Issue (6): 7-.

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Design of an Infrared Guidance Control Information Processing System Based on DSP and FPGA

SUN Aizhong,ZHANG Wanzhen,LIU Bing,TAN Zhen   

  1. (1.The 6thRoom,AVIC Xi'an Aviation Institute of Computing Technology,Xi'an 710068,China;2.Military Representative Office,Chinese PLA Air Force in Northwest China,Xi'an 710068,China)
  • Online:2013-06-15 Published:2013-06-04


Based on an analysis of the infrared guidance control information data processing system function,a design of system based on DSP(TMS320C6414)and FPGA(XC2V2000-FG676) is put forward,an the working principle,hardware and software of the design and its realization are presented.DSP is used for the signal collection and procession of the image processing unit.The host control electric circuit function parties realized by FPGA logic design.This design has great value and wide applications in the future in IR imaging tracking systems.

Key words: infrared guidance control information;data processing system function analysis;image processing;TMS320C6414;XC2V2000-FG676

CLC Number: 

  • TN216