›› 2014, Vol. 27 ›› Issue (5): 110-.
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CAI Zhuofan
This paper introduces the construction of mobile inspection system using Arduino single-chip computer in the classroom.The hardware composition,function module and software design are described in detail.With Arduino Mega 2560 single chip microcomputer as control,the data of running state of the equipment and other relative information are acquired,and then the information are sent to the Android display device through the bluetooth communication module.The system has the advantages of low construction cost,high reliability and good practicality.
Key words: mobile monitoring;Arduino Mega 2560;bluetooth;Android
CLC Number:
CAI Zhuofan. Design of a Classroom Mobile Inspection System Based on Arduino and Android[J]., 2014, 27(5): 110-.
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URL: https://journal.xidian.edu.cn/dzkj/EN/
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