›› 2014, Vol. 27 ›› Issue (5): 132-.

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Permanent Magnet BLDCM Control System Based on PIC18F4431 Microcontroller Design

HE Qi,MAO Panfeng   

  1. (Ship Engineering College,Zhejiang International Maritime College,Zhoushan 316021,China)
  • Online:2014-05-15 Published:2014-05-14


With the wide application of brushless DC motor to the field of motion control,a new generation of brushless DC motor control technology has been developed,combined with single chip microcomputer control technology.This paper introduces this new type of brushless DC motor control system based on PIC series MCU,with high performance and low cost.By using a high-speed A/D acquisition module,PWM module and hardware multiplier of PIC18F4431MCU,the system can control the generation of PWM signal,rotor position detection and achieve the speed and current double closed-loop incremental PI control.In addition,the realization of hardware and software of the control system is expounded in this paper.The results of simulation experiment show that the system has excellent dynamic performance and control precision.

Key words: permanent magnet motor;double closed-loop control;brushless direct current motor;PIC18F4431;speed regulation control

CLC Number: 

  • TM273