›› 2016, Vol. 29 ›› Issue (6): 107-.

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Rearch of Implant affect Insertion Loss and Isolation

WU Yiru,HOU Feifan,ZHANG Junlong,HAO Zhi   

  1. (1. OpticalElectrical and Computer Engineering ,University of Shanghai of Science and Technology, Shanghai 210094, China;2. Semiconductor Manufacturing International (Shanghai)
  • Online:2016-06-15 Published:2016-06-22


Based on a typical 013 μm RF Switch SOI technics flow, analyze the effect of NLDD (NMOS Lightly Dropped Drain) technics to switch of Ron and Coff. Based on the experiment result of NMOS NLDD RTA and further discuss to NMOS NLDD IMP, proved RTA can effect Ron and Coff. The result shows dose of As and P acted as main effector to the research, present a regular linear trend to Ron and Coff which share an inverse tendency, thus providing a reference of RF switch optimizing method based on 013 μm SOI technic.

Key words: SOI, RF switch, insertion loss, isolation, doping energy, dose

CLC Number: 

  • TN432