›› 2016, Vol. 29 ›› Issue (6): 114-.

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Design of a Highprecise and Lowtemperaturedrift Oscillator

WANG Xueyan   

  1. Shanghai Branch, CSMC Technologies Corporation, Shanghai 201103, China)
  • Online:2016-06-15 Published:2016-06-22


According to the requirement of clock phase noise of wireless communication and micro mechanical sensor system design, the design of a high precision low temperature drift oscillator circuit. Analysis of phase noise using Leeson linear phase noise model, reduce the main noise source, to optimize the phase noise of the objective. The circuit is taped out in Huarun China 018 μm technology platform. Test results show that the power supply voltage from 36 V changes and temperature from the change of 35~85 ℃, the frequency change  2% ~ 05%; phase noise -116 dBc@1 kHz; 4 000 cycle jitter at - 12% ~ + 12%. The circuit is successfully integrated into the micro mechanical gyroscope control chip.

Key words: oscillator;phase noise;high precise;low temperature drift

CLC Number: 

  • TN752