›› 2016, Vol. 29 ›› Issue (6): 154-.

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An Study of Robot in Kinematics based on Coordinate System


  1. (Engineering Department, Huizhou Engineering Technical School, Huizhou 516001, China)
  • Online:2016-06-15 Published:2016-06-22


In the study of robot kinematics,its pretty common to use D-H coordinate system method as the analytical method.Although the D-H method is widely applied in robot kinematics,its still lack of compensatorydeviation.A model of mechanical kinematics is built through D-H forward kinematics method in this article.And an error analysis method is brought up base on that.This method analyzes the parameters deviation of the coordinate system to calculate the total deviation and correct the results in original simulation as well.According to the contrast results of simulation in matlab, D-H forward kinematics method can develop a good description of the movement trend of the mechanical structure.After adding a proper compensation for parameter error,it can get a more accurate result.

Key words: robot, D H coordinate system, error compensation, parameter deviation

CLC Number: 

  • TP242