›› 2016, Vol. 29 ›› Issue (6): 160-.

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Design of Ship Shafting Vibration Measuring Instrument Based on ARM

FU Shiwei   ZHANG Yan   

  1. 1School of Electronic Engineering,Xian University of Post and Telecommunications,Xian 710121,China;
    2School of Communication and Information Engineering,Xian University of Post and Telecommunications,Xian 710121,China)
  • Online:2016-06-15 Published:2016-06-22


A design of torsional vibration measuring instrument based on ARM and RTX operating system is proposed for dual ship shafting torsional vibration measurement.The highperformance ARM processor LPC1788 is used as the core,and the TT10K torque telemetry system,an A/D converter,and a signal processing module frontend are employed for highspeed precision vibration signal acquisition.The time domain graphics of the collected vibration signals are displayed on an LCD.The addition of RTX operating system to ARM offers effective task assignment to the host computer and management of onboard resources.

Key words: ship shafting;torsion vibration;strain gauges;measuring instrument

CLC Number: 

  • U664.21