›› 2016, Vol. 29 ›› Issue (6): 41-.

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Optimization and Improvement of the Algorithm of Automatic Fingerprint Identification System

XIN Libin,ZHANG Zhenguo,WANG Shunping,FENG Jijun,LIU Dong   

  1. (School of OpticalElectrical and Computer Engineering, University of Shanghai for Science and Technology,
     Shanghai 200093, China)
  • Online:2016-06-15 Published:2016-06-22


On the basis of deep research on the process of automatic fingerprint identification system, this paper proposed the idea of improving the efficiency of the segmentation algorithm in the process of image preprocessing, and proposed the corresponding improvement scheme. After the optimization of the automatic fingerprint identification system, the optimized algorithm can achieve the purpose of improving the speed, reliability, stability and accuracy of the fingerprint recognition system by comparing the fingerprint images before and after optimization.

Key words: fingerprint identification system;fingerprint image evaluation;segmentation and extraction;algorithm optimization