›› 2016, Vol. 29 ›› Issue (6): 82-.

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Design of a High Integration Ultrawideband Switch Filter Component

LI Xinxia   

  1. (Project Office,The 13th Research Institute, CETC, Shijiazhuang 050051, China)
  • Online:2016-06-15 Published:2016-06-22


The designed component plays a decisive role in the whole system, including sensitive, dynamic range, frequency selection, Antijamming and other key indexs. The importance, constituent, working principle, design difficulties and focus of the switch filter component are analyzed detailed in wireless communication system. An optimized design is made for the key features. The paper designs a miniaturization, high reliability and fast circuit control component, as well as testing and improving the scheme. According to the measurement ,we get results as follows: noise figure is 14dB, gain is 12dB, phase congruency≤±10°,channel isolation≥45dB,which all achieve the expected goals .By combining the theory with the actual experimental data, the thesis analyzes the results of the experiment and proposes the improvement of the existing scheme.

Key words: ultra wide band switch, filter, isolation, sideband rejection

CLC Number: 

  • TN713