
Table of Content

15 October 2013 Volume 26 Issue 10
    A Frequency Hopping Code Based on DFH Transform Function
    YANG Zhengwei,BAI Enjian
    . 2013, 26(10):  1. 
    Abstract ( 919 )   PDF (960KB) ( 783 )  
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    This paper proposes a new shortwave DHF transfer function algorithm which depends on advanced Logistic plus Tent map.The frequency Hopping code is constructed by this algorithm and the Hopping pattern is numerically simulated and compared with the original mapping.The result demonstrates that it has better randomness,uniformity,balance,and a fairly large linear complexity.The frequency hopping code based on advanced logistic and tent map has a good anti-interference performance and security confidentiality.

    Estimation of QAM Carrier Frequency Based on High-Order Cyclic Cumulants
    CHEN Longfei
    . 2013, 26(10):  4. 
    Abstract ( 795 )   PDF (516KB) ( 755 )  
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    An algorithm based on higher-order cyclic cumulants for the estimation of SQAM and MQAM carrier frequency is proposed.The algorithm utilizes the cyclostationary property of communication signals and the higher-order cyclic cumulants of QAM signals.The theory of this algorithm is analyzed.The efficiency of the proposed estimation algorithm is verified via Matlab simulations.

    A Hardware Implement of the Logarithmic Evaluator
    SU Cheng,HAN Jungang
    . 2013, 26(10):  7. 
    Abstract ( 783 )   PDF (803KB) ( 863 )  
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    To expand the convergence domain of logarithmic function,classic CORDIC algorithm adds some special iterations in hyperbolic coordinate system in vector mode.This algorithm is simple,but it requires more hardware resources.This article proposes an improved algorithm to address this problem.Our algorithm utilizes the distance relationship between central domain and the other domains to make transformation and then calculate.The results of hardware implementation show that the improved algorithm has obvious advantages in hardware resource and working frequency.

    Pointer Instrument Image Recognition Based on Priori Characteristics of Instrument Structure
    NI Gang,YAN Bin
    . 2013, 26(10):  10. 
    Abstract ( 922 )   PDF (627KB) ( 898 )  
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    In view of the fact that the pointer positioning is prone to interference by pointer instrument image recognition method,an improved pointer algorithm is proposed based on Canny edge operator and Hough line detection with the center of rotation and the radius of the dial as priori characteristics.With the center of rotation as the midpoint and the dial diameter as the side length,the square region of interest is extracted in order to reduce the duration of action of the Canny operator,followed by a comparison between all the straight lines after the Hough transform and structural characteristics to exclude the lines that do not meet the distance and position requirements.Finally,based on the Canny edge operator characteristics,the error of numerical calculation are analyzed and corrected.

    Implementation of Industrial Configuration Software Access to Non-Standard Protocol Components
    SUN Chao
    . 2013, 26(10):  13. 
    Abstract ( 767 )   PDF (555KB) ( 1138 )  
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    This paper introduces a realization scheme of industry configuration software access to non-standard communication protocol module.A piece of protocol conversion software is written by using the VC+[KG-1.8mm]+ serial communication technology in this scheme.This software can simulate non-standard protocol and ModBus-RTU protocol to communicate with non-standard protocol components and configuration software.

    Microstrip Antenna Optimization Based on Genetic Algorithms
    QU Peihua,WANG Wei,LIU Bobo
    . 2013, 26(10):  16. 
    Abstract ( 1013 )   PDF (574KB) ( 821 )  
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    Light in weight,small in size and easy to manufacture.Microstrip antennas are widely used in individual wireless communication.This article applies GA and HFSS-Matlab-API in the microstrip antennas optimization and presents an antennas optimization scheme based on GA and HFSS.The dimensions and feed position of the E-shaped Microsoft antenna are optimized to overcome the disadvantage of narrow bandwidth of microstrip antennas with a bandwidth increase from 5% to 30%.

    Staff Accident Prediction and Compensation Model
    LI Keying
    . 2013, 26(10):  19. 
    Abstract ( 801 )   PDF (479KB) ( 658 )  
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    The application random series of two convergence and law of large numbers and the central limit theorem for the binomial and normal distributions to establish contact and build accident prediction mathematical model.The model are given different estimates of the parameters P,given the number of accidents,hypothesis testing,discussion wounded subsidy problem and factory losses.This model theoretical system complete restrictions is less clear,the concept can be widely used in the production management system of accident prediction.

    An Integral Equation Domain Decomposition Method for Solving Metal Target Scattering Problems
    LIU Qian,DONG Yang
    . 2013, 26(10):  22. 
    Abstract ( 726 )   PDF (616KB) ( 695 )  
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    In this paper,the application of an integral equation domain decomposition method is discussed.Integral equation method can solve EM scattering problems precisely.The IE method is subjected to the Green Function,requiring dense and very complicated matrix solution.Domain decomposition method is an interactive method,which divides a big object into some sub-domains and solves each sub-domain to get the final answer.Each sub-domain's scattering wave is treated as a second incident wave to other sub-domains.Each of the sub-domains has its own characteristics and will be meshed independently,as a result of which it is very suitable for solving multi-scale problems.Numerical results compared with commercial software demonstrate the effectiveness of the method.

    Program Design of Satellite Coordinates Solver in Differential GPS Landslide Monitoring
    HUANG Jin,SHI Xingxi
    . 2013, 26(10):  25. 
    Abstract ( 1027 )   PDF (749KB) ( 728 )  
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    The real-time calculation of the satellite coordinates is an important foundation for the work of the differential GPS landslide monitoring.This article is based on object-oriented programming ideas to programming design,and introduces GPS satellite coordinates calculation processes and Program implementation.GPS satellite coordinates solver program is broken down into the data import module,the satellite coordinates solver module and the results storage module.Calculation of specific examples tests the feasibility of the procedure.The program for the development of differential GPS landslide monitoring system provides an important foundation work.

    High Resolution Space-borne SAR Imaging Based on GPU
    HOU Minghui
    . 2013, 26(10):  29. 
    Abstract ( 777 )   PDF (820KB) ( 681 )  
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    Computation on traditional CPU platforms consumes large amount of time owing to large SAR echo data and imaging algorithm complexity.GPU has the great advantage of many processing cores suitable for the acceleration of independent parallel structure algorithms.With the powerful floating point and parallel processing capabilities of GPU,the ECSA SAR imaging algorithm is verified on the GPU with good results,and the comprehensive (computation time+IO time) speedup has been raised.Since CUDA-GPU utilization will be the future of high resolution spaceborne SAR imaging,the paper gives a preliminary indication of the feasibility of GPU to process spaceborne SAR data,which lays the foundation for further procedure optimization.

    Wireless Digital Home Entertainment
    ZHANG Zhao,HU Fangming,HU Huapeng,ZHOU Dun
    . 2013, 26(10):  33. 
    Abstract ( 805 )   PDF (528KB) ( 641 )  
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    This paper describes the digital home entertainment with emphasis on the modes that can be used in the wireless digital home.Three modes are proposed of wireless digital home entertainment gateway: the improved wireless digital home gateway,the 3G digital home gateway,and the embedded digital home gateway.This paper provides new approach to the evolution of the comprehensive wireless digital home system.

    Realization of RTOS μC/OS-II on FPGA
    ZHANG Kaisheng,CHEN Ming,ZHOU Zichao
    . 2013, 26(10):  36. 
    Abstract ( 932 )   PDF (675KB) ( 743 )  
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    An embedded hardware platform based on a Xilinx Virtex-V FXT hardware with a MicroBlaze IP core is realized by using EDK,and a real-time operation system μC/OS-II is successfully migrated by combining board support package provided by the third parties and configuring the system parameters based on the hardware platform.Finally,a simple application is developed.The feasibility of this design is discussed by analyzing the consequence of the application and elaborating Multi-task scheduling process of μC/OS-II.

    Wireless Real-time Monitoring and Control System of Intelligent Vehicle Based on LabVIEW
    CHENG Li
    . 2013, 26(10):  40. 
    Abstract ( 871 )   PDF (837KB) ( 842 )  
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    Based on the requirements of four wheel steering intelligent vehicle testing,monitoring and control,this paper presents a design of real-time monitoring and control system based on LabVIEW and wireless communication.The design uses CC1110 wireless passthrough module to acquire data and control via a serial port.Visual host computer software is developed with LabVIEW and the communication protocol is designed.By using a finite state machine technology,data frame is identified accurately and efficiently.Experiments show that the proposed monitoring and control system can realize reliable communication between the intelligent vehicle and host computer.

    Classroom Energy-saving Intelligent Control System Based on Zigbee Network
    JIANG Wufeng,HUANG Qingnan,LU Bowen,LU Shanfang
    . 2013, 26(10):  44. 
    Abstract ( 1107 )   PDF (600KB) ( 744 )  
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    In order to solve the school lighting energy waste,an energy-saving intelligent control system based on wireless sensor network is proposed.The system consists of the coordinator node,routing nodes,terminal nodes.Terminal nodes and routing nodes count the number of people in the classrooms and measure the light intensity,and then send the date to wireless sensor networks made up of CC2530 and eventually to the coordinator node,which open classroom lamps on demand by preset energy-saving algorithm.The experiments show that the intelligent control system is easy to use,economical and reliable,energy saving and environmental friendly.

    Design of an Automated Urine Analyzer
    XIONG Ming
    . 2013, 26(10):  47. 
    Abstract ( 803 )   PDF (672KB) ( 649 )  
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    A urine analyzer based on dry chemistry method is developed,the composition of the system is described,and the systematic error is analyzed.The analyzer uses red,green,and blue LED lamps as the light source for the type of test strip block,and converts the reflection light into corresponding voltage signal by using light batteries and signal conditioning circuitry.The output signal is compared with preset threshold value in the analyzer to yield test results.STM32F103ZET6 is used as the control unit,and the DC output voltage from the D/A converter as the DC bias voltage for the conditioning circuit,so as to compensate for ambient light components errors.Theoretical analysis and experimental data show that the compensation achieved good results.

    Design of a Fire Smoke Exhaust System Based on PLC for High-rise Building
    YUAN Fei,WANG Gang,YU Jian
    . 2013, 26(10):  50. 
    Abstract ( 869 )   PDF (511KB) ( 778 )  
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    This paper presents a design of fire smoke exhaust system based on s7-200 PLC for high-rise building,including the overall design scheme,hardware configuration and software design.Technically,its reliability and real-time performance can be improved once this system worked with inverter and configuration software,and all the design requirements are met.

    Theater Monitoring Network Based On C/S Structure
    JIANG Yue
    . 2013, 26(10):  53. 
    Abstract ( 741 )   PDF (745KB) ( 674 )  
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    A war zone monitoring network based on C/S structure is presented.Traditional structures have too many control terminals,which requires simultaneous transmission of monitoring data to different controls,thus the monitoring data defects and poor accuracy of the monitoring network.The proposed monitoring network structures can overcome such disadvantages.The construction of the hardware system and software system design is introduced in detail.The experimental results show that this method can effectively improve the accuracy of the warzone surveillance network with satisfactory result.

    Implementation of Radar Simulation System Based on Model-driven
    CAO Lei,XUE Pingzhen
    . 2013, 26(10):  56. 
    Abstract ( 707 )   PDF (847KB) ( 690 )  
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    A design method based on model-driven has been introduced in this paper.According to characteristics and demand of a radar simulation system equipment,UML2.0 standard modeling language is used in the application of Rhapsody to establish models of various stages in the system development process.Based on the model,a radar simulation system has been designed and realized.The design of the system modeling transfers the system development focus from coding to modeling,as a result of which the system becomes intuitive,and the reliability of the system is improved.

    Audio Signal Processing Based on Programmable Graphics Hardware
    LIU Hongyi,YANG Ming,XIAO Yu
    . 2013, 26(10):  60. 
    Abstract ( 760 )   PDF (411KB) ( 672 )  
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    This paper focuses on the transfer of programs that used to be processed in CPU onto GPU to take advantage of the GPU's great SIMD parallel stream process ability.Thus one can set up user-defined,high quality echo model which can be realized by calculating the circumstance's geometry data.

    Design and Implementation of a Web Video Surveillance System Based on Hi3516
    WANG Feng,LIU Beili,FENG Yusen
    . 2013, 26(10):  62. 
    Abstract ( 718 )   PDF (593KB) ( 1149 )  
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    Embedded technology has been widely used in various fields,and a growing number of information technology products require access to the Internet.Using the hardware and software resources of the digital multimedia processor HI3516 development board,a video network server is built by the transplantation of Boa,which is capable not only of audio and video monitoring through network,but of modifying the corresponding audio and video parameters,thus greatly improving the ease of use of the embedded devices with fast and convenient management.

    Positioning System for the Senior Apartment Based on WiFi and RFID
    ZHANG Xu,LIANG Longxue
    . 2013, 26(10):  64. 
    Abstract ( 852 )   PDF (577KB) ( 684 )  
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    This paper designs a more efficient positioning system with the WIFI technology and RFID technology based on the analysis of senior apartment and the RFID technology.The system consists of four parts,namely the data acquisition system,the positioning system,the data query system and the alarm system.This system uses improved LANDMARC algorithm which combines median filtering algorithm and the traditional LANDMARC algorithm to achieve better positioning accuracy.

    Image Fusion Method Based on Self-Adaption Region Variance
    LIU Zhen,NA Yan
    . 2013, 26(10):  67. 
    Abstract ( 890 )   PDF (594KB) ( 687 )  
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    Image fusion method based on self-adaption region variance is discussed in this paper.Regional variance range is determined according to the specific image adaptively.Regional variance fusion is adopted as the image fusion method.Contourlet Transform is adopted in image transformation.Experimental result shows that our method can improve the information entropy and average gradient of the image.Compared with traditional direct fusion methods,our method can both improve the detail of the image and perform image fusion.

    Fisheye Image Correction Method Based on Gradient Equation
    WANG Yizhuo,XI Zhihong
    . 2013, 26(10):  70. 
    Abstract ( 705 )   PDF (634KB) ( 788 )  
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    The fisheye lens is widely used in many fields because of the characteristics of short focus and wide field of view,but with serious image distortion.In order to solve this problem,we propose a correction algorithm of image gradient equation based on the latitude and longitude mapping model.The relationship between latitude and mapping model is derived,the equation between fisheye images before and after correction coordinates are extracted,and then the gradient equation is introduced for image correction.The experimental results show that the algorithm has good correction effect.

    Multi-point Data Acquisition System Based on Atmospheric Refraction Index
    WANG Yue,WANG Chunyu
    . 2013, 26(10):  76. 
    Abstract ( 746 )   PDF (653KB) ( 616 )  
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    The system that measures air temperature,pressure,relative humidity in low altitude atmosphere based on atmosphere refractivity is presented.The system includes a data collection board and portable receiving terminals to realize multipoint data acquisition.The model of component,schematics and software process are introduced.The measuring results are compared with those from automatic weather station,which show that the system meets the precision requirement (temperature:±0.2 ℃,humidity:3 %,air pressure:±0.2 hPa).Being convenient,battery-efficient,reliable and with a high precision,the system can be carried on the ship to forecast evaporation duct.

    Electrical Design of a Generic Cabling System in an Urban Complex Project
    HAN Wei,XIN Yunhong
    . 2013, 26(10):  79. 
    Abstract ( 724 )   PDF (671KB) ( 659 )  
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    The electrical design of a big urban complex project is a part of the design of the project.Electrical design includes heavy current design and weak current design (intelligent building design).Generic cabling system is one of the most important parts of building intelligent system.According to the characteristics of the project,the overall design is analyzed.Then the design of each subsystem requirements and the design content are introduced.Finally,through the system diagram of the project,the relation between each subsystem and the configuration is further expounded,which provides references to the system design of similar buildings.

    Improved Algorithm for Removing Stripe Noise of Infrared Images
    SHAO Xiaopeng,JIN Zhenhua,WANG Yang
    . 2013, 26(10):  83. 
    Abstract ( 1178 )   PDF (1009KB) ( 1146 )  
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    Due to the inconsistent response characteristics of infrared focal plane array detection units,stripping noise present in the infrared images affects the infrared image seriously both in quality and resolution.Based on the mechanism for the stripe noise of infrared image and the traditional moment matching method,this paper makes use of the angle of image grayscale average and variance and the characteristics of less data and rich content of the inferred images,and introduces the piecewise polynomial fitting and median pretreatment to the destripping algorithm.Theoretical analysis and experimental results show that the improved polynomial fitting filtering method and piecewise fitting filtering method based on median pretreatment are simple,practical,and can effectively eliminate stripe noise in infrared images to improve the image signal-to-noise ratio.

    A Fast Algorithm for IRFPA Blind Pixel Detection
    MA Xue-Zhi, LV Ning
    . 2013, 26(10):  88. 
    Abstract ( 856 )   PDF (715KB) ( 615 )  
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    A novel method for blind element inspection of IRFPA based on traditional methods of blind pixels detection is proposed.This ameliorated algorithm uses the data extracted from homogeneous background for one time to calculate the noise signals,and then finds the threshold for blind pixels detection according to conception of OTSU and minimum interclass variance.Experimental results indicate that this new method is capable of real-time blind pixels inspection with high accuracy and low complexity in comparison with traditional algorithms.

    BiAgSbCu-based High-temperature Lead-free Solder Preparation and its Welding Performance
    TU Wen-Bin, ZHOU Guang-Xiong
    . 2013, 26(10):  91. 
    Abstract ( 793 )   PDF (702KB) ( 688 )  
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    The development of high melting temperature lead-free solder with melting point above 260 ℃ to replace the traditional high lead solder used for electronic packaging has been a major difficulty in the field of soldering.Bi-2.6 Ag-5 Sb solder alloy whose melting point is 272 ℃ is restricted because of its inferior wettability and soldering reliability.In this paper,Cu is added into Bi-2.6 Ag-5 Sb solder alloy to improve the wettability and soldering reliability.The results show that there is no obvious change in the melting points of BiAgSbCu solder alloy with the addition of Cu,while the wettability and soldering reliability of BiAgSbCu solder alloy improve remarkably with the addition of 2%Cu.

    A Laser-scanned Diameter Measurement Method Based on FPGA IP Core
    ZHU Qingye,ZHAO Guangxing
    . 2013, 26(10):  95. 
    Abstract ( 698 )   PDF (699KB) ( 571 )  
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    The rapid and accurate measurement plays an important role in laser-scanned measuring for diameter.Considering the fact that the traditional MCU system has such problems like low speed and large cost,a new method based on the technology of FPGA IP core is proposed for laser-scanned measuring for diameter.Meanwhile,with the IDE of Quartus II,the design is synthesized,placed and routed.The timing simulation shows that the designed measurement method for diameter system using IP core works well with higher speed,better accuracy and easier upgrading.

    New Structure to Alleviate Current Filamentation at the Edge Termination of High-Voltage FRDs during Dynamic Avalanche
    WU Licheng,WU Yu,WEI Feng,JIA Yunpeng,HU Dongqing,JIN Rui,ZHA Yiying
    . 2013, 26(10):  98. 
    Abstract ( 890 )   PDF (1022KB) ( 678 )  
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    Dynamic avalanche is a major factor which affects the ruggedness of high-voltage silicon power bipolar devices,e.g.the high-voltage fast recovery diode (FRD).In this paper,a simulation to compare the dynamic avalanche characteristics of two high-voltage FRDs with different edge terminations is presented.Simulation results show that a high-voltage FRD with VLD (variation of lateral doping) structure has better dynamic avalanche immunity than that with JTE (junction termination extension).A new structure for the FRD with JTE to alleviate the current filament at the edge termination during dynamic avalanche is proposed and its effectiveness is simulated and demonstrated.In this structure the resistance area is created by the P buffer area of the P+/P anode.Simulation results show that the current filament can be well alleviated.

    Sensitivity Analysis of Power Supply Noise of Digital PLL
    WANG Yiting
    . 2013, 26(10):  101. 
    Abstract ( 783 )   PDF (830KB) ( 850 )  
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    The methodology of the I/O signal jitter affected by power supply noise is presented,which is a breakthrough to the design idea of pure pursuit of low noise for the special power integrity.The concept of jitter sensitivity is verified.The PLL model is used to draw the curve of sensitivity,which suggests that intermodulation exists among different frequency noises.

    Signal Integrity Design of High-speed Printed Circuit Board
    ZHANG Songsong,LIU Feifei
    . 2013, 26(10):  105. 
    Abstract ( 886 )   PDF (1125KB) ( 1309 )  
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    The increasing system operating frequency and signal edge slew rate in the actual PCB design require designers' skillful use of design rules and adjustment to different design requirements.With high-speed circuit design techniques common in SI and the actual PCB design as examples,this article analyzes the working principles and common SI design rules to provide references for increasingly complex high-speed PCB design.

    Research on the Band-pass Filter Using Double Ridge Irises
    TANG Panlei,WANG Jiandong,SONG Jiaxing
    . 2013, 26(10):  110. 
    Abstract ( 774 )   PDF (685KB) ( 604 )  
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    According to the discontinuities in rectangular waveguide and double-ridge waveguide,a novel double-ridged self-resonant iris is proposed and its characteristics are analyzed.Double-ridged self-resonant iris is applied in the design of a 6-order waveguide bandpass filter,which has a center frequency of 6.70 GHz,with a relative bandwidth of 20.9% and a return loss up to 20 dB.The filter simulation result shows that its spurious passband appears at twice the center frequency.

    A Ka-band Up-conversion Amplification Module with Good Temperature Stability
    WANG Zhiqing,LIU Xing,ZHAO Peng,ZHANG Qiang,BIAN Guohui,WU Jingfeng
    . 2013, 26(10):  113. 
    Abstract ( 789 )   PDF (771KB) ( 715 )  
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    This paper studies the Ka-band frequency conversion amplifier circuit design and its temperature compensation technology.The basic principles of up-conversion amplifier module are discussed,RF gain and detector voltage temperature compensation is implemented,and an overall design with good temperature stability,linearity,and gain stability is presented.The module is composed of the unit circuit of the amplification circuit,temperature compensation circuit,mixer circuit,filter circuit and power amplifier.Agilent ADS software is used to develop the overall circuit design of the modules.Meanwhile,a combination of field simulation software and measurement is adopted to establish the model of the millimeter-wave components of multi-chip interconnect bonding wire,which integrates the parasitic inductance of the bond wires into the up-conversion amplifier module circuit design,thus significantly increasing the frequency response of the bonding wire circuit interconnection.The multi-chip assembly process is adopted for the production of high-performance variable frequency amplifier module.Test results show that the Ka-band output power is greater than 30.6 dBm with the full temperature range of power fluctuation less than 0.8 dB and the instructions full temperature detector voltage fluctuation less than 0.2 V,which is consistent with simulation results.

    Design and Optimization of Broad-band Parallel-coupled Line Bandpass Filter at Ku-band
    ZHANG Weihao,ZHANG Chunrong,LI Liang,LIU Haiqiang
    . 2013, 26(10):  117. 
    Abstract ( 1006 )   PDF (638KB) ( 670 )  
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    The basic principles of parallel-coupled line bandpass filter are expounded.Then a brief example is given of designing a broad-band filter with a center frequency of 16.1 GHz and a band-width of 1.6 GHz by using Matlab programming,which is simulation optimized by combining ADS 2009 schematics and Momentum.Simulation shows that the design meets the requirements and is prepared for manufacturing.

    Design of an Auto Ranging and Speed Limit System Based on SOPC
    LIU Xin,ZHANG Caizhen,ZHANG Pan
    . 2013, 26(10):  121. 
    Abstract ( 778 )   PDF (795KB) ( 756 )  
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    A design of auto ranging and speed limit system based on SOPC is presented to improve the traffic safety.It is capable of automatic laser ranging on the front of the vehicle by using the principle of single-target ranging i corresponding to the,and sound light alarm and speed limit according to the safety distances of different types of vehicles.The system is designed on SOPC development platform.The system functions of ranging and speed limit are verified.

    Research on Reliability Design Methods of FPGA Reset Logic
    HAO Jian,YUAN Yinyin
    . 2013, 26(10):  125. 
    Abstract ( 890 )   PDF (527KB) ( 670 )  
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    This article introduces,analyzes and compares the commonly used reset design methods in FPGA design.Four methods are presented to address the issue of FPGA unreliable reset.These methods are effective in improving the FPGA reset reliability and provide valuable references for the engineering practice.

    Design of Phase-shift Signal Generator Based on FPGA and DDS
    WANG Jiacheng,YU Peng
    . 2013, 26(10):  128. 
    Abstract ( 832 )   PDF (783KB) ( 573 )  
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    This paper introduces the design of phase-shift signal generator based on FPGA and Verilog HDL.It takes advantage of the principle of DDS and the embedded memory block of FPGA to store the waveform data.The phase-shift signal generator uses two D/A converters to generate two channels of phrase-shift signal and original reference signal that are of the same frequency in the arbitrary waveforms,for instance,sine wave,triangular wave,and square wave.Except for DA converters and its related circuits,all the functional modules are accomplished in a single FPGA.This design has the advantages over traditional phase-shift signal generator of high frequency resolution,a pure frequency spectrum,ease implementation and low cost.

    Simulation and Analysis of Cross-Polarization Monopulse Radar Angle Deception Jamming
    CAO Xingjiang,YANG Pei
    . 2013, 26(10):  131. 
    Abstract ( 835 )   PDF (748KB) ( 636 )  
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    The characteristics and working principles of the monpulse radar are introduced,and for the monopulse the goniometer radar system,a cross-polarization interference monopulse radar angle tracking system is proposed and analyzed.Simulation indicates that cross polarization interference is a more feasible method in practical engineering.

    Design of a Novel Dielectric Loaded Rectangular Horn Antenna
    PENG Yu,LI Ping,HU Weidong
    . 2013, 26(10):  133. 
    Abstract ( 816 )   PDF (719KB) ( 537 )  
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    Traditional land satellite communication system mostly use parabolic antenna,which is bulky and inflexible.The horn antenna can overcome the shortcomings mentioned above,but with smaller gain and greater loss.This article designs a new type of dielectric loaded rectangular horn antenna which has a two-layer structure,the upper being radiation structure and the lower micro-strip slot coupled feed structure.The radiation structure is a rectangular copper whose center is a rectangular horn hole.This antenna is moderate in size,easy to activities,and has an obvious improvement over the traditional ones in the gain,the reflection coefficient and the half-power lobe width.

    Fault Detection Based on the Unified Model
    WANG Rui
    . 2013, 26(10):  136. 
    Abstract ( 854 )   PDF (748KB) ( 569 )  
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    With the advent of manufacturing process of integrated circuit on the nanoscale,digital circuits are more vulnerable to failure of temporal deviation due to aging,process issue and soft errors which poses great threat on "temporal security".Based on an analysis of the model of fault signal's influence on stability invasion,the article proposes a new model for fault detection.This model enhances the existing fault detection and uses the C unit stability as the output of the detector unit.The simulation results show that this solution has obvious advantage in speed and resources consumption over the existing ones.

    Study on SEE Experiment of TMR+Scrubbing SRAM FPGA
    SUN Ye,CHEN Huizhao
    . 2013, 26(10):  139. 
    Abstract ( 753 )   PDF (627KB) ( 602 )  
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    Satellite platform and payload are becoming increasingly dependent on the VLSI,especially on FPGA.As a signal processing core device,FPGA's SEE is concerned.In this paper,the two reinforcement methods of TMR and scrubbing are studied and verified by experiments.The use of different energy particles verifies the effectiveness of the method.The method can improve more than twice the performance of FPGA anti single particle according to the test results.

    Design of a Dual-band Printed Antenna for WLAN/WiMAX Applications
    LI Xiaodong
    . 2013, 26(10):  142. 
    Abstract ( 779 )   PDF (630KB) ( 608 )  
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    A novel microstrip-fed printed monopole antenna is proposed for WLAN and WiMAX applications.Using a modified fork-shaped strip,an impedance bandwidth covering 2.4 GHz WLAN band is obtained.In addition,a fork-shaped parasitic plane is inserted on the bottom of the FR4 substrate to cover 5.2/5.8 GHz WLAN and 5.5 GHz WiMAX bands.Omnidirectional radiation patterns with appreciable gains over the operating bands are obtained by the fabricated antenna.The antenna is suitable for multi-band wireless communication applications.

    A Narrowband Frequency Hopping Synchronization System without Time Difference Restriction
    HU Hanwu,LV Zixing,GUAN Jie
    . 2013, 26(10):  145. 
    Abstract ( 705 )   PDF (580KB) ( 534 )  
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    This paper proposes a narrowband frequency hopping (FH) synchronization system without time difference restriction.FH synchronization will be partitioned into two waveforms: net entry waveform and communication waveform.The net entry waveform adopts 9 synchronization frequencies,of which 3 frequencies are independent of time.The communication waveform adopts 7 synchronization frequencies based on the Time of Day (TOD) after correction of time in the net.However,in the case of any time difference,the transceiver can achieve reliable and efficient synchronization even if 70% bandwidth is interfered.

    Design of aVibration Tester
    LI Jianping,LUO Wenguang,CHEN Wenhui,YANG Zhiping,YANG Shaochuan
    . 2013, 26(10):  148. 
    Abstract ( 772 )   PDF (531KB) ( 666 )  
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    This article presents a vibration tester using microprocessor and two vibration sensors mounted horizontal and vertical respectively to the motor drive axis to measure the vibration of axially rotating motor drive.The device is capable of real-time measurement,field display and alarm functions.It communicates through the Bluetooth module with host computer,which provides synchronous data display and alarm,data storage and playback functions,suitable in the complex industrial production environment.

    Design of a Low Power Radio-triggered Wake-up Circuit
    GONG Bingqing,WANG Yuanyuan
    . 2013, 26(10):  151. 
    Abstract ( 1252 )   PDF (856KB) ( 742 )  
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    This paper presents an implementation of radio-triggered circuit to decrease energy consumption of active RFID tag.A radio-triggered circuit is added to a traditional active tag.Active tag stays in sleep mode until Reader sends Radio Wake-up signal.Active Tag can save a lot of energy then prolong its lifespan by adopting this working mode.The simulating results demonstrate that the sensitivity of the circuit can reach -45.2 dBm,which means that the reader can wake up tags about 30 meters away.The energy consumption of this circuit is only 4.11 μW.These features can meet the requirements of many applications.

    Design of a Synchronous Window Opener Controller Based on STC12C5202AD
    DU Xiao
    . 2013, 26(10):  156. 
    Abstract ( 711 )   PDF (525KB) ( 565 )  
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    Big double-wall glass windows are ubiquitous in many modern high-rise buildings,but common window opener cannot complete opening or closing the windows.This paper presents a synchronous window opener controller based on STC12C5202AD and MC33886,describes the system composition and the function of each modules,discusses the development of the system software,and gives the hardware circuit diagram.

    Design of a Multi-Channel Analog Data Acquisition System Based on AVR
    PAN Yu
    . 2013, 26(10):  159. 
    Abstract ( 794 )   PDF (397KB) ( 534 )  
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    A multi-channel analogue acquisition system is designed with Atmega32 as control,AD7705 as A/D converter chip,and MAX4638 as the core.The system composition and working principles are introduced with hardware and software design given.The system has good stability and conversion accuracy,and can realize multi-point,multi-parameter measurement.

    Microcontroller Elevator Automatic Control
    DUAN Xinyan
    . 2013, 26(10):  161. 
    Abstract ( 644 )   PDF (595KB) ( 621 )  
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    Elevator automatic control system is the key to the operation of the elevator,which is very important to guarantee the elevator operation safety and efficiency.In this paper,MCS-51 microcontroller is adopted to optimize the elevator operating system structure based on an analysis of the principles and the circuit design of elevators.Experiments show that the microcontroller treats the different running modes of the elevator automatic control as different requests by different floors,thus effectively improving the efficiency of the dispatch.

    Design of a Mine Earthquake Monitoring System Based on MMA7260Q
    LU Mingchun,CHEN Wenhui,WANG Shuxian,XIA Zanjun
    . 2013, 26(10):  163. 
    Abstract ( 917 )   PDF (625KB) ( 421 )  
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    A design of mine earthquake monitoring system for three axis accelerometer based on MMA7260Q is introduced in this paper.This system consists of the PC computer and the measurement nodes installed on each roadway and working face in the mine.The measurement nodes are connected to the PC computer by CAN bus.The measurement node is responsible for the on-site collection,display and off-limit alarm of the earthquake information.At the same time via the CAN bus transmission to the PC computer,remote monitoring,synchronous off-limit alarm and mine earthquake location are realized for rapid alarm and evacuation guidance in case of mine earthquake accident.

    Full Well Capacity And Charge Transfer Study for PPD Pixel With Vertical Multi-Junction Structure
    LI Tianqi,MA Chaolong,YANG Xiaoliang,DU Bin
    . 2013, 26(10):  166. 
    Abstract ( 829 )   PDF (803KB) ( 425 )  
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    An 4-T CMOS image sensor pixel with vertical multi-junction structure was investigated.By introducing vertical multi-junction structure can extend the full well capacity of the photosensitive area,the depletion region is increased to improve the collection efficiency of signal charge,especially for long wavelength light absorption greatly increased.And,to reduce the image lag of vertical multi-junction structure,a horizontal gradient doping eliminating the potential barrier,thus,the signal charge easier to pass out,reducing image lag.Its performance was verified by simulation with SILVACO TCAD software.

    Present Situation and Development of Automatic Clothing Equipment
    WANG Yongzhong,WANG Yanping,SONG Lingyun,LUO Xiao
    . 2013, 26(10):  169. 
    Abstract ( 734 )   PDF (750KB) ( 515 )  
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    The development of the clothing equipment automation process is introduced in this paper.It has developed from a purely hand-made equipment,mechanical equipment,electric equipment to automation equipment;and the early exclusive-function sewing equipment also evolved into multi-function production equipment.Finally,the current status of all sorts of clothing automation equipment and the future trend of the development are outlined.


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