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15 June 2016 Volume 29 Issue 6
    Food Category Recognition Algorithm Based on Region Color Features
    DING Weili,LI Yong,CHEN Yu
    . 2016, 29(6):  1. 
    Abstract ( 452 )   PDF (2503KB) ( 663 )  
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    n view of the efficiency of manual pricing in the checkout of the cafeteria, a new recognition algorithm based on color feature is proposed in this paper. In the algorithm, the edge projection and extract the target area, the segmentation of food image clustering based on Lab color model using HSV color model to obtain the color features of all kinds of regional, and based on the regional color recognition of food species. Simulations and statistical analysis for a class of 30 images and 3 kinds of food. The results show that the accuracy of the algorithm can reach 95.6% and the fastest speed of recognition is only 0.119 s.

    A Driver CarCruising Model Based on RTRL Neural Network
    ZHANG Niaona,LIU Meiyan
    . 2016, 29(6):  5. 
    Abstract ( 401 )   PDF (1053KB) ( 444 )  
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    Most carcruising model could not give full consideration to the drivers behavior characteristic, this paper designed with realtime recursion learning (RTRL) algorithm of neural network as the core of the driver model of the cruise. This model chooses four parameters as inputs, including the speed and acceleration of preceding vehicle, the following vehicle speed and the safety distance between two vehicles, meanwhile, the desired acceleration which driver controls cruise car is chosen as the output of model. Through cruise experiments under real environment, data samples used for training RTRL neural network are obtained, the model is verified by simulation. Simulation experimental results show that the predictive value of expected acceleration is consistent with the actual true value, error is controlled within 0.05 , it also shows that the model can accurately simulate the behavior of the drivercruising.

    Based on Quadric Surface Fitting of Sub Pixel Edge Detection Algorithm
    JU ZhiyongWANG Chaonan
    . 2016, 29(6):  8. 
    Abstract ( 434 )   PDF (2114KB) ( 351 )  
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    In view of the traditional edge detection algorithm and the peripheral edge information incomplete point positioning inaccurate problem, put forward a kind of based on quadric surface fitting of sub pixel edge detection algorithm. Using the sub pixel figure obtained by fitting, its anti-jamming is strong, position accurately and on this basis, using the improved Canny operator accurate judgement of the image edge position. The experimental results show that the algorithm not only improves the image edge information ability, and the image edge smooth, edge point positioning precision, detail information completely.

    Analysis of Load Shedding Based on Matpower
    CHEN Chen,LI Sen,LI Lingjuan
    . 2016, 29(6):  11. 
    Abstract ( 359 )   PDF (1302KB) ( 453 )  
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    The research of power system load curtailments has important effect on the reliability of the system. In order to improve the accuracy of power system analysis, the researchers can use Matpower to study power system load curtailments. The researchers can change the parameters to assume that the circuit fault occurs and solve the amount of load curtailments by using of power flow calculation in Matpower.Compared with manual calculation, this method not only has large improvement in the speed, and has high operability. It is suitable for power system load curtailments amount of related research.

    Dynamic Autoregression Prediction Model Based on Particle Filter
    ZHANG Haibing
    . 2016, 29(6):  15. 
    Abstract ( 501 )   PDF (1471KB) ( 584 )  
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    As to the problem of autoregressive model built on fixed time series and cannot update with the new value, which result in the poor trend adaptability and low prediction precision, a dynamic model parameter optimization method based on the particle filter is proposed. Firstly, particles are sampled from model parameters to describe the state variables. Further, the weights of particles are calculated using Recursive Bayes estimation method, therefore the posterior filtered estimations can be represented by particles and their weights, and then use them to update the AR model along with the new observe value achieve. The proposed method can improve the predict result accuracy of AR model and give the confidence interval of predict result as well. In the end of the article, effectiveness of the method is verified by lithiumion battery data tested in NASAs Ames Research Center.

    Design of Decimal Adder Based on Parallel Prefix Structure
    WANG Shumin,CUI Xiaoping
    . 2016, 29(6):  19. 
    Abstract ( 483 )   PDF (1846KB) ( 625 )  
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    Aiming at the problem that the hardware implementation of the BCD code decimal addition requires the processing of invalid code, a new decimal adder based on the parallel prefix structure is designed. The proposed decimal adder based on the algorithm of adding six to each BCD digit of one operand prior to performing binary addition and then subtract six again if a carryout of the digit is not occur. The parallelism of circuit operation is increased by taking the advantage of parallel prefix structure. The designed decimal adder have been realized by Verilog HDL and synthesized by Design Compiler, the delay of decimal adder in 32 bit, 64 bit and 128 bit is 0.56 ns, 0.61 ns and 0.71 ns; the area is 1310  μm2, 2681 μm2 and 5485 μm2 .

    Realization of the HighSpeed Link System BER Algorithm
    XU Zhihua
    . 2016, 29(6):  22. 
    Abstract ( 458 )   PDF (1614KB) ( 361 )  
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    Along with the high speed signaling system data rate rise sharply,regard worst case eye as guidelines will lead to excessive design.Aiming at this phenomenon,this paper puts forward a method of BER to guide the design.We add probability to the pattern,convolve the probability and then arrived at a BER eye.This eye can not only show all the eye but also show the probability of every eye diagram.Simulation results show the effectiveness of the algorithm which achieves fast,efficient and accurate calculation of the eye diagram and its probability of the system.

    Simulition of Multivariable Control Systems Based on Improved PID Neural Network
    SONG Shuiquan
    . 2016, 29(6):  26. 
    Abstract ( 476 )   PDF (1391KB) ( 518 )  
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    PID neural network has dynamic characteristics, and it can achieve better results than traditional PID control method in system control, but its learning algorithm is a gradient learning algorithm. The initial weights are random obtained. In order to improve the speed and system response time of the control system, we introduce the particle swarm algorithm to optimize the initial weights, and use Matlab software to simulate the improved PID neural network algorithm. The result of simulation reveals that the proposed method is better than traditional PID neural network control performance.

    Research on Scheduling for Collaborative Manufacturing System Based on Hybrid Genetic Algorithm
    REN Naifei YU Lu
    . 2016, 29(6):  29. 
    Abstract ( 383 )   PDF (1967KB) ( 596 )  
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    Based on the Collaborative Manufacturing System (CMS) consisting of multiple processing stations, a centralized storage area and an Automatic Guided Vehicle (AGV), a mathematical model was built on analysis of the resource constrained problem. The architecture of a dispatching approach with hybrid genetic algorithm was proposed to solve the scheduling problem under resource constraint of the single AGV. This modified hybrid genetic algorithm improved the method of coding, crossover and mutation, which can optimize the jobs machining sequence and the action sequences of AGV movement effectively. Finally, the simulation experiment results in CMS showed that the proposed method is feasible for the integrated scheduling for CMS with the AGV constraint.

    Driver LaneChanging Behavior Recognition Based on HMM Model Analysis
    ZHANG Yuhui ZHANG Fengdeng
    . 2016, 29(6):  34. 
    Abstract ( 419 )   PDF (1178KB) ( 558 )  
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    In view of the traffic safety in automotive electronics judgment driver method will cause traffic accidents. In this paper the establishment and application of hidden Markov model, has carried on the analysis to the drivers lane changing behavior, and the forward backward algorithm to solve the model estimation problem. The parameters of the model is the training set by applying Matlab toolbox to verify the validity of the model.

    Application Research on Classification Method of Relevance Vector Machine
    GU Jian
    . 2016, 29(6):  37. 
    Abstract ( 443 )   PDF (1216KB) ( 598 )  
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    Aiming at the problem of relevance vector machine that when the training data set is large,the training time of the model becomes more complicated.Bsaed on the Quick Marginal Likelihood Algorithm proposed by MichalE.Tipping.,we establishe the power system security state assessment model of improved and old RVM Algorithm.By comparing the test results,The improved algorithm not only has high accuracy and sparsity but also greatly shortens the running time.Effectively solve the problem that when the training data set is large,the training time of the model becomes more complicated.

    Optimization and Improvement of the Algorithm of Automatic Fingerprint Identification System
    XIN Libin,ZHANG Zhenguo,WANG Shunping,FENG Jijun,LIU Dong
    . 2016, 29(6):  41. 
    Abstract ( 419 )   PDF (969KB) ( 520 )  
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    On the basis of deep research on the process of automatic fingerprint identification system, this paper proposed the idea of improving the efficiency of the segmentation algorithm in the process of image preprocessing, and proposed the corresponding improvement scheme. After the optimization of the automatic fingerprint identification system, the optimized algorithm can achieve the purpose of improving the speed, reliability, stability and accuracy of the fingerprint recognition system by comparing the fingerprint images before and after optimization.

    Anonymous Traitor Tracing Scheme Based on EIGamal Encryption Algorithm
    HE Shaofang
    . 2016, 29(6):  44. 
    Abstract ( 443 )   PDF (944KB) ( 558 )  
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    Based on the cryptosystem of EIGamal, an anonymous traitor tracing scheme is presented in this paper. In the scheme, information use symmetric encryption and is broadcasted to legitimate users, and the session key is sent to users through the header produced by datasupplier after register users has been tested and verified. The analysis of performance show that the scheme not only has many advantages, such as anonymous safety of users, nonrepudiation, full frameproof, revocability, recoverability, but also is able to achieve antilinearattack.

    Dynamic Partitioned Clustering Routing Algorithm Based on Energy and Density for WSNs
    SHI Yuyu,YU Jinming,LI Xue
    . 2016, 29(6):  47. 
    Abstract ( 429 )   PDF (1401KB) ( 375 )  
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    Aiming at problems such as unreasonable clustering and imbalance of energy consumption, which exist in traditional hierarchical network, a dynamic partitioned clustering routing algorithm based on energy and density(DPC-ED) was proposed. In DPCED, the entire network is divided dynamically according to the distance between normal nodes and the sink node, making the regions closer to the sink node with smaller nodes to reduce the cluster heads burden and energy consumption. By considering factors such as residual energy and density to optimize the clusters uneven partition and the selection of cluster heads, and information is transmitted with mode of multiple hops based on data aggregate. Simulation results show that compared with the classical routing algorithm LEACH, DPCED can balance the nodes energy consumption and prolong lifetime of the network effectively.

    Method of Detecting and Rejecting Outliers in Passive Locating and Tracking
    YANG Junling
    . 2016, 29(6):  51. 
    Abstract ( 441 )   PDF (1027KB) ( 479 )  
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    In passive locating and tracking system, the emergence of outlier has a bad influence in both the stability and the precision of the filtering. In order to solve this problem, a method for the outlier detection and elimination based the conception of innovation likelihood is proposed. Given a threshold, the innovation likelihood is calculated in the update of the Kalman filter to aim at the detection and elimination of the outlier. The proposed algorithm plays a good performance in passive locating and tracking system with outlier.

    Design and Implementation of Keystone Transform Base on FPGA
    FAN Jianhua,LI Chunlin
    . 2016, 29(6):  54. 
    Abstract ( 501 )   PDF (1605KB) ( 645 )  
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    Lonttime coherent integration is used for target detect will result in rangecellcrossing。So,In signal process of Radar,an effective way is to employ Keystone transform to slove the problem.But the reality of the Keystone transform is very difficulty,because it need mass of compute work.Base on FPGA,this paper take a method for reality the transform.After the simulation and analysis the Keystone transform,give the comput process of the simplify method,compute work has dropped off sharply. After the design code is done,the result is verify this theory,It indicatethe all condition is meet,and the theory can be used in engineering.

    Spread Options Pricing Methods Based on Geometric Brownian Motion Model
    CHEN Ningjuan
    . 2016, 29(6):  58. 
    Abstract ( 474 )   PDF (1057KB) ( 449 )  
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    Option pricing plays an important role in financial mathematics research.Spread option is application and popularization of options.Assumes transactions are not continuous,based on historical information and risk-neutral preference and the Geometric Brownian motion as a reference model and taking different exercise boundaries in the money into consideration,the pricing optimization methods for spread option and digital spread option are introduced.Finally, the appropriate and closed-form formula for spread option and digital spread option is established.Furthermore, the monotonicity and convexity theorems of exercise boundary in the money is given,which facilitates the spread option and digital spread option pricing formula to a certain extent.

    An Improved Broadcast Retransmission Algorithm Based on Network Coding
    WANG Xiao
    . 2016, 29(6):  61. 
    Abstract ( 516 )   PDF (1211KB) ( 521 )  
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    For the purpose of improving the transmission efficiency of the network coding broadcasting retransmission method, thus reducing the retransmission times, an improved network coding broadcasting retransmission algorithms based on redundancy avoiding(INCBRRA) is proposed. After rearrange the receive matrix, it voluntarily avoids redundant transmission of the combination which can not decoded by the receiving nodes, and preferentially codes the lost packets which are conducive to decoding. The analysis results shows that compared to existing algorithms, INCBRRA can reduce the number of retransmission times and improve the transmission efficiency.

    Design of Wideband High Performance Frequency Synthesizer
    TAO Changya
    . 2016, 29(6):  65. 
    Abstract ( 409 )   PDF (1484KB) ( 648 )  
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    With the rapid development of mobile communication test equipment, it is the difficulty of the design that is wideband high performance frequency synthesizer. A high performance frequency synthesizer is designed by using double PLLs and fractionalN based on SigmaDelta technology in this paper.  A 2 000~4 000 MHz frequency coverage is implemented. A frequency resolution is less than 0.03 Hz. The phase noise level is less than 105 dBc/Hz@10 kHz in band. The test result meets the design requirements of wideband high performance frequency ynthesizer It has a high practical value.

    Design of Nopower Epaper Based on NFC and Qi
    LI Sha,ZHANG Fengdeng
    . 2016, 29(6):  68. 
    Abstract ( 397 )   PDF (1735KB) ( 595 )  
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    There are some disadvantages about traditional epaper display device,such as huge power consumption,inconvenience content update.So,a terminal passive epaper display device which based on LPC824 ,combined NFC and wireless charging technology and configured APP is designed to enhance the convenience,reduce the volume and power consumption. It can refresh the information of the epaper when the NFC Mobile phone gets close to the disply device,and retain the information for a long time while the phone gets away from the device , all of it no need power supply. Finally,test for the design is done and the experimental results proved the rationality of the scheme, confirmed the theoretical research significance and practicability of the design.

    Design and Implementation of UART Controller Using FPGA
    YANG Lan,QI Xiuzhen
    . 2016, 29(6):  72. 
    Abstract ( 524 )   PDF (1478KB) ( 418 )  
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    In order to realize the communication between FPGA and PC, we design and implement a UART controller based on the Field Programmable Gates Array (FPGA). In the Xilinx ISE 11 development platform, we use the Verilog HDL language and its own IP CORE to implement the receiving module, sending module and precise baud rate clock module. Finally we use XC2VP30 device to verify the function of the UART. The results show that the UART module is stable and reliable.

    Narrowband Radar Ballistic Missile Target Recognition Technology Based on SVM
    WEI Wenbo,CAI Hongjun
    . 2016, 29(6):  75. 
    Abstract ( 443 )   PDF (1416KB) ( 592 )  
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    Subject to radar bandwidth, the narrowband radar cant obtain the information of highresolution structure of targets. In case of the narrowband radar, targets are classified only by characteristics of orbital motion and Rradar Cross Section (RCS). In this paper, characteristics of missile warhead group and body group are extracted, and missile targets from a narrowband radar experiment data are classified using Support Vector Machine (SVM). After classification of missile warhead group and body group, the narrowband radar can track missile warhead group using more time and energy. In the meantime, the location of the main target can provide for broadband identification radar.

    Comparative Analysis and Optimization Method of DDSs Spurious in band
    ZHANG Leiyutian
    . 2016, 29(6):  79. 
    Abstract ( 614 )   PDF (962KB) ( 460 )  
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    Direct digital frequency synthesis technology has important position in the field of frequency synthesis, but the connatural spur characteristic greatly limits its application development. In this paper, based on the analysis of working principle of the DDS and spurious noise source, we found that delta frequency tuning words change of direct digital frequency synthesizer chip can improve Spurious in band. Adopting a AD9858 chip as the core physical contrast test on the hardware platform, verify the delta frequency tuning words is smaller, the lower Spurious in band of direct digital frequency synthesis.

    Design of a High Integration Ultrawideband Switch Filter Component
    LI Xinxia
    . 2016, 29(6):  82. 
    Abstract ( 420 )   PDF (1575KB) ( 594 )  
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    The designed component plays a decisive role in the whole system, including sensitive, dynamic range, frequency selection, Antijamming and other key indexs. The importance, constituent, working principle, design difficulties and focus of the switch filter component are analyzed detailed in wireless communication system. An optimized design is made for the key features. The paper designs a miniaturization, high reliability and fast circuit control component, as well as testing and improving the scheme. According to the measurement ,we get results as follows: noise figure is 14dB, gain is 12dB, phase congruency≤±10°,channel isolation≥45dB,which all achieve the expected goals .By combining the theory with the actual experimental data, the thesis analyzes the results of the experiment and proposes the improvement of the existing scheme.

    A Design for 4G Beidou Platform Based on ARM + DSP Architecture
    XI Zhihong,LI Junwen
    . 2016, 29(6):  85. 
    Abstract ( 410 )   PDF (1502KB) ( 366 )  
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    To solve how to improve the positioning accuracy of the Beidou navigation systems terminal, we raise a Beidou positioning platform based on ARM+DSP architecture and displaying map via 4G signal. DSP is responsible for receiving Beidou signal which UM220-III has transmitted, and using the UKF algorithm to amend the positioning result. ARM receives the data DSP has processed ,and displays positioning information through the embedded QT program. It displays the network map via Baidu API function when there exists 4G signal, and uses mitab library to call the mif files to display the local map when there is no 4G signal. The experimental results show that the design can achieve the requirements of improving the positioning accuracy of the Beidou terminal.

    Serpentine Guard Trace Design Research
    CHEN Kongqian
    . 2016, 29(6):  89. 
    Abstract ( 427 )   PDF (1034KB) ( 669 )  
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    Serpentine guard trace is regarded as an alternative solution to traditional guard trace in highspeed circuit, but process of proposing serpentine guard trace dont consider how to make the ability of crosstalk suppression better. According to the principle that serpentine guard trace basic characteristic affects coupling parameters, this paper analyses termination strategies and farend noise variation with characteristic variation via full wave solver simulation, and concludes reasonable serpentine guard trace design method. The result shows that shorting is the best termination strategy, and when signal edge changes quickly, the serpentine that are width, height and short should be used as guard trace.

    The Design of Xband 4channel T/R Module Based on LTCC Substrate
    GE Jiangna
    . 2016, 29(6):  92. 
    Abstract ( 474 )   PDF (2263KB) ( 433 )  
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    This paper introduces the design idea and the implement method of a kind of Xband fourchannel T/R module.Such advanced technologies as LTCC, MCM and new silicon aluminum material design are adopted in the module, in view of some difficulties such as higher working frequency, broader bandwidth, complex function, more channels, more bare chips, strict weight demand and so on.The miniaturized fourchannel T/R module is developed successfully with low noise figure, light weight, and complete functions. The operation bandwidth can be up to 2 GHz, the transmitting power can reach up to 41 dBm,the transmitting efficiency is as high as 32%, the noise figure is 2.5~2.8 dB, the phase shift precision (RMS value) is 2°, and the whole weigh is only 96 g. The module has been in the stage of mass production.

    Semiconductor Laser Driver Design and Test Based on ARM
    GE Xiantao,HU Qi,GAO Pengfei,TAN Mengke
    . 2016, 29(6):  96. 
    Abstract ( 475 )   PDF (1552KB) ( 664 )  
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    In the applications of the semiconductor laser , the driving circuit directly affects the stability of the laser . A design solution with high efficiency , stability , wide range of power  was put forward . In order to realize the stable closedloop control ,Sampling resistor and constant current circuit will be made use of , Then it gets a constant driving current . Using the themistor temperature properties and the control circuit of temperature with MCU control system , It obtains the temperature control of closedloop, which meets requirenment of stable temperature control.With the constant temperature , constant current and MCU system,a design solution of closedloop control will be realized. Experimental results show that the power measured by power meter has a good linear relationship with driving current and the range of power is wide. The circuit has a reliable long working time ; The laser has reliable monochromaticity ;System is reliable.

    Analysis and Optimization of Differential Vias
    ZHOU Zixiang
    . 2016, 29(6):  100. 
    Abstract ( 447 )   PDF (1577KB) ( 634 )  
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    To solve the signal reflection problem which is brought by the impedance discontinuity of differential vias, a new structure of differential vias is proposed. This new structure reduces the signal reflection by compensating the anti-pad of differential vias and terminating the stubs. In this way, the quality of received signal is improved. The effectiveness and the practicability of this method are validated by the comparisons of the transmission parameters in frequency domain and the eye diagram in time domain between initial via structure and the optimized via structure.

    The Rapid Selection of Decoupling Capacitors of Multichip Based on Optimizing FDTI Algorithm
    JIANG Feng
    . 2016, 29(6):  103. 
    Abstract ( 459 )   PDF (1504KB) ( 423 )  
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    In the design of Power Distribution Net (PDN), As for the rapid selection of the decoupling capacitors of multichip, this paper proposed for a new method for it. This method can make the PDN impedance lower than the target impedance, without excessive design. Aimed at the PDN with multichip, this paper adopts an optimized algorithm of Frequency Domain Target Impedance (FDTI), and give a scheme which can select decoupling capacitors on type and quantity. Through the simulation of GUI interface, we find that this algorithm can apply to the multiple chip effectively, and it has a great engineering value. 

    Rearch of Implant affect Insertion Loss and Isolation
    WU Yiru,HOU Feifan,ZHANG Junlong,HAO Zhi
    . 2016, 29(6):  107. 
    Abstract ( 464 )   PDF (1449KB) ( 715 )  
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    Based on a typical 013 μm RF Switch SOI technics flow, analyze the effect of NLDD (NMOS Lightly Dropped Drain) technics to switch of Ron and Coff. Based on the experiment result of NMOS NLDD RTA and further discuss to NMOS NLDD IMP, proved RTA can effect Ron and Coff. The result shows dose of As and P acted as main effector to the research, present a regular linear trend to Ron and Coff which share an inverse tendency, thus providing a reference of RF switch optimizing method based on 013 μm SOI technic.

    Harmonic Suppression of PWM Motor Drive System
    SHI Chaoran,ZHANG Huilin,ZHANG Song,JIN Yanfei,LI Rongwei
    . 2016, 29(6):  110. 
    Abstract ( 511 )   PDF (1467KB) ( 654 )  
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    Based on the analysis and research of the PWM variable frequency speed regulating system of brushless DC motor, this paper introduces a new kind of RLC filter which can be installed on the PWM inverter output end to improve running stability of the motorand reduce vibration and noise brought by the harmonic. After optimization of RLC filter makes the motor end higher harmonic content is significantly reduced, voltage, current pulsation phenomenon is suppressed, and the simulation results in Matlab/Simulink platform, verify the validity and reliability of the designed filter in this paper.

    Design of a Highprecise and Lowtemperaturedrift Oscillator
    WANG Xueyan
    . 2016, 29(6):  114. 
    Abstract ( 824 )   PDF (1197KB) ( 607 )  
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    According to the requirement of clock phase noise of wireless communication and micro mechanical sensor system design, the design of a high precision low temperature drift oscillator circuit. Analysis of phase noise using Leeson linear phase noise model, reduce the main noise source, to optimize the phase noise of the objective. The circuit is taped out in Huarun China 018 μm technology platform. Test results show that the power supply voltage from 36 V changes and temperature from the change of 35~85 ℃, the frequency change  2% ~ 05%; phase noise -116 dBc@1 kHz; 4 000 cycle jitter at - 12% ~ + 12%. The circuit is successfully integrated into the micro mechanical gyroscope control chip.

    A Novel Compensation Method for Differential Transmission Line Bend to Suppress Commonmode Noise
    LI Yating
    . 2016, 29(6):  117. 
    Abstract ( 462 )   PDF (1185KB) ( 593 )  
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    To suppress the commonmode noise, this paper proposes a method for compensating an undesired phase delay caused by unequallength differential transmission lines. The performance of the proposed structure with a 45 degree bend is demonstrated by simulating with HFSS and ADS. The results demonstrate that the proposed model compensates the length skew of the bend of differential transmission line, which has the effect of reducing the mode conversion noise by about 20 dB up to 8 GHz, whereas the differential insertion loss remains low. In addition, in the time domain, the commonmode noise is lower than the conventional differential transmission line bend.

    Design and Implementation of a Ushaped Leaky Coaxial Cable
    WANG Lijuan,YANG Laming,YANG Fei,CAO Pan, CAO Yalun
    . 2016, 29(6):  120. 
    Abstract ( 431 )   PDF (1414KB) ( 571 )  
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    To reach the main electrical indicators needs of leaky coaxial cables for a mobile communication system, a Ushaped leaky coaxial cable is designed, satisfying the engineering application. The coupling loss and transmission loss are elaborated. At the operating frequency 900 MHz, the Ushaped leaky coaxial cable modeling is simulated in the 3D electromagnetic simulation software HFSS, and the effect of the variation of interval and slot size on coupling loss and transmission attenuation are analyzed. The simulation results are in good agreement with experimental results. It shows that the smaller the sub slot interval is, the smaller coupling loss is.

    Study on Sliding Mode Control in Threephase SVPWM Inverter
    LI Shaolong,ZHAO Qin,LI Wenlong,CUI Yue,WANG Fan,MEI Yan
    . 2016, 29(6):  124. 
    Abstract ( 482 )   PDF (1597KB) ( 458 )  
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    In terms of the poor dynamic performance and sensitivity to load change in the output voltage of threephase full bridge inverter, a output voltage control scheme based on sliding mode control is proposed. In order to make the circuit operate at different carrier frequencies, taking advantage of the three phase inverter topology structure of voltage space vector pulse width modulation (SVPWM), the simulation shows that the scheme makes the output voltage has a smaller total harmonic distortion, good steady performance and strong load adaptability.

    Signal Denoising Research Based on Wavelet Transform
    ZHU Xianhe,YANG Shiping
    . 2016, 29(6):  128. 
    Abstract ( 444 )   PDF (1265KB) ( 513 )  
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    The problem of signal denoising has been concerned by people,When using traditional filtering methods to signal denoising,Although the method is simple,this is based on sacrifice signal local features for price,and did not get a better SNR. In this paper,The thought of wavelet transform be used for signal denoising,After the original signal be decomposed,the wavelet coefficients of signals are greater than noise,select an appropriate threshold,and reserved the signal wavelet coefficients which great than the threshold,then will achieve the purpose of denoising. Experimental results show that this method can not only denoising effectively,but also to preserve the local features of the signal.

    Design of the Modem Monitor Unit Based on the Serial Server
    XU Jiarui,ZHAO Qingkun,ZHANG Jingbo
    . 2016, 29(6):  132. 
    Abstract ( 497 )   PDF (1742KB) ( 637 )  
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    For the problems about lack of unified monitor feature, unfriendly man-machine interface and inconvenient operation of the modem monitor unit of shipborne satellite communication station, a design scheme of the modem monitor unit based on serial device server is put forward. On the premise of not changing existing connections between devices, the monitor unit adopts MCU as a controller and the touch panel as the main means of humancomputer interaction, optimizes the structure of the operation menu. The test results show that the scheme is correct and the convenience of operation is improved, which preferably solves the problems of existing equipment.

    Multiphase Structure Waveform SynthesizerBased on FPGA
    PENG Yuan,WANG Zhihong
    . 2016, 29(6):  135. 
    Abstract ( 390 )   PDF (1499KB) ( 474 )  
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    To solve the problem of the constraint on the bandwidth of DDS based on FPGA, this paper introduces a high-speed, wide-bandwidth multiphase structure waveform synthesis method. The working  principle of the system and realization method are described in detail, the simulation and analysis of this method is given. Sine wave and FM synthesized by this waveform synthesis method preform well in requency domain.

    Research and Implementation of Antijamming System for Navigation Receiver
    SUN Wenchao
    . 2016, 29(6):  138. 
    Abstract ( 460 )   PDF (1697KB) ( 664 )  
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    Based on the spacetime adaptive antijamming technology in the global satellite positioning system, the research and implementation of the antijamming system based on MultiStage Nested Wiener Filter(MSNWF) discussed. The whole antijamming performance of the system is studied by means of the modeling of the space time adaptive processing and algorithm. Through the field test, the system can realize the function of anti jamming, and can inhibit the interference of multiple narrowband and broadband, the suppression effect is reached 50~70 dB, and the whole anti interference ability of the receiver is reached 70 dB.

    A Design of High Reliable SBand Solid State Transmitter
    YAN Jijin,RUI Jincheng
    . 2016, 29(6):  143. 
    Abstract ( 609 )   PDF (1621KB) ( 562 )  
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    In this paper, a Sband all solidstate transmitter with 15 kW output peak power is introduced. Online standby technology for frontstage module and transmitting control/monitoring parts is used to improve the operation reliability of the transmitter greatly. When the temperature is too high or other failures occur, the The frontend components automatically switch. The transmitter has already been applied to a type of S band ATC radar and approved to be with excellent performance and high reliability. Through practical test, the output power of the transmitter is over 15 kW, instantaneous bandwidth is 40 MHz,transmitted pulse width is 100 μs,duty cycle is 8% and work continuously for 5 000 hours without malfunction.

    Combining Variation and Shearlet Transform for Image Zooming
    WANG Peng,WU Yulian
    . 2016, 29(6):  146. 
    Abstract ( 399 )   PDF (1670KB) ( 406 )  
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    As the Chambolle variational model of image magnification results in the staircase effect. a new algorithm for image zooming based on shearlet smoothness decomposition spaces is proposed. The new algorithm  translates the variational problem that is solved into a sequence based shearlet field through  the  equivalent  relationship between  semi-norm of shearlet-type decomposition spaces and the weighted shearlet  coefficients, solution  of  the  proposed  model  approximately  equals  to  different shearlet shrinkages. Experimental results have verified that the new algorithm can effectively eliminate the staircase effect of zoomed images and keep more details with a higher peak signal to noise ratio.

    Vehicle License Plate Location Based on the Travel OpenCV Implementation
    CHENG Huijun,YING Jie
    . 2016, 29(6):  150. 
    Abstract ( 408 )   PDF (2051KB) ( 347 )  
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    The license plate location is a key problem in the automatic recognition system of the license plate. More in-depth design did in two areas. Firstly, the video of the mobile vehicle positioning that mainly involved in the Gauss background modeling. Secondly, the static image of the license plate extraction system included the top hat transform, energy filtering, to find the area of the Unicom area and other modules to accurately locate the license plate region. The mobile license plate location algorithm using OpenCV and C++ programming is based on the QT platform to achieve a comprehensive use of the structure and texture features of the license plate, improving the reliability of the license plate location. Experimental results show that the method is faster and more accurate. The system can meet the needs of real-time monitoring.

    An Study of Robot in Kinematics based on Coordinate System
    ZHANG Bo
    . 2016, 29(6):  154. 
    Abstract ( 487 )   PDF (1030KB) ( 462 )  
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    In the study of robot kinematics,its pretty common to use D-H coordinate system method as the analytical method.Although the D-H method is widely applied in robot kinematics,its still lack of compensatorydeviation.A model of mechanical kinematics is built through D-H forward kinematics method in this article.And an error analysis method is brought up base on that.This method analyzes the parameters deviation of the coordinate system to calculate the total deviation and correct the results in original simulation as well.According to the contrast results of simulation in matlab, D-H forward kinematics method can develop a good description of the movement trend of the mechanical structure.After adding a proper compensation for parameter error,it can get a more accurate result.

    Singlechannel Temperature Monitoring System Design Based on LabVIEW
    WU Yongling,CHEN Xiuxia,PAN Xiaohui,WANG Wenjiang
    . 2016, 29(6):  157. 
    Abstract ( 430 )   PDF (1735KB) ( 366 )  
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    In order to realize timely monitoring and overlimit alarm, this paper uses LabVIEW visualizing software to design and develop singlechannel temperature monitoring system. Through software design and hardware experiment, this paper has such functions of temperature data realtime display and automatic storage, overtime alarm, and so on. The experimental results show that the designed temperature monitoring system has such features as short gathering time, and flexible temperature threshold setup, which can be widely used in different fields

    Design of Ship Shafting Vibration Measuring Instrument Based on ARM
    FU Shiwei ZHANG Yan
    . 2016, 29(6):  160. 
    Abstract ( 419 )   PDF (1436KB) ( 451 )  
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    A design of torsional vibration measuring instrument based on ARM and RTX operating system is proposed for dual ship shafting torsional vibration measurement.The highperformance ARM processor LPC1788 is used as the core,and the TT10K torque telemetry system,an A/D converter,and a signal processing module frontend are employed for highspeed precision vibration signal acquisition.The time domain graphics of the collected vibration signals are displayed on an LCD.The addition of RTX operating system to ARM offers effective task assignment to the host computer and management of onboard resources.

    Research of Static & Dynamic Characteristics of the Rotor for Ultrasonic Scanning System
    ZHANG Jing,JIANG Wenqing
    . 2016, 29(6):  164. 
    Abstract ( 395 )   PDF (1328KB) ( 509 )  
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    In order to study the rotor static stiffness and dynamic stiffness of The Rotor For Ultrasonic Scanning System, established a simplified finite element rotor model, and the application of finite element analysis software ANSYS for static analysis, modal analysis and harmonic response analysis of rotor, obtained the rotor structure stress, deformation nephogram and the first six order natural frequency. The analysis results show that the rotor static and dynamic stiffness of coincidence detection validate rationality of the structure design of the rotor, reliable basis for evaluation for design of detection system of rotor.

    Three Dimension Platform Design Based on LabVIEW and Its Application in Wheel Speed Detection
    ZHU Zhongzhen,ZHANG Zhendong
    . 2016, 29(6):  167. 
    Abstract ( 524 )   PDF (2001KB) ( 397 )  
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    For the status that wheel speed sensor test system of the original three dimension platform can't position sensor location continuously and automatically, low test efficiency. Adopting the LabVIEW software and motion control card of NI firm to design a kind of high performance and efficiency of three-dimension positioning platform system with wheel speed sensor based on the original LabVIEW program. The system utilizes multi-axis motion control card PXI-7340 three-dimension platform of NI firm for precise control of motor, realizing the wheel speed sensor in space positioning automatically and accurately. This system can position sensors automatically in a series of test point in accordance to the setup track. The designed system combined with the original system forms a wheel speed sensor inspection platform which can position continuously, and the efficiency can be improved.

    Design of Indoor Positioning and Route Guidance System Based on iOS
    YANG Qi
    . 2016, 29(6):  171. 
    Abstract ( 384 )   PDF (1556KB) ( 416 )  
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    To help the worker locate himself and reach the work field in time to carry out equipment maintenance in dark indoor environment, an indoor positioning and route guidance system was designed with the principle of inertial navigation in this paper. Then, based on iOS, the corresponding application APP was developed. Through the experimental test, this APP completed autonomous indoor guidance. In addition, a threshold made when using acceleration reduced the time cumulative error of inertial navigation.

    Based dsPIC30 VHF Physiotherapy Detection System
    CHENG Jiwang
    . 2016, 29(6):  174. 
    Abstract ( 459 )   PDF (1699KB) ( 377 )  
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    For system resolution and accuracy is lower than that of the problems existing in the ultrashort wave therapy instrument, this paper analysis the structure of ultrashort wave therapy apparatus technology architecture and its detection system based on dsPIC30F6010 digital signal controller and ad7176 analog-to-digital conversion chip of ultrashort wave therapy instrument detection system. And analysis of its software algorithm process, after the system to detect the actual signal processing, the signal results before and after comparison, can reduce the signal to noise ratio, and greatly improve its accuracy and resolution.

    Installation Error Calibration Based on Line Structure Improved ICP Optical Scanning System
    YUAN Manman MU Pingan DAI Shuguang
    . 2016, 29(6):  178. 
    Abstract ( 428 )   PDF (1700KB) ( 347 )  
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    In order to realize the detection of industrial automation, the technology of robot and line structure light scanning technology is combined, the line structure light sensor installed on the robot flange, because the installation error exists, affect the measurement accuracy of the scanning system. To solve this problem, by using the improved ICP algorithm of point cloud registration technology in this paper, the registration of point cloud, the reverse transformation matrix caused by installation error, the calibration of the system error. The experimental results show that the proposed method achieves better calibration.

    VXI Bus Data Acquisition Technology of Embedded Multi Mode Control System
    LU Xinghua,XIE Zhenhan,FAN Tailin
    . 2016, 29(6):  182. 
    Abstract ( 433 )   PDF (1700KB) ( 507 )  
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    In order to realize the effective application of the embedded multi-mode intelligent control system, the data sampling is carried out by the sensor network and the radio frequency identification RFID technology. By using the beam forming device, the output response of the transducer array is formed, which can improve the performance of data acquisition. Through debugging the VXI bus data acquisition system, the results show that the design improves the reliability and stability of the system, and the function is comprehensive and the performance is superior.

    Survey and System Implementation of Image Retrieval
    DU Bingxin
    . 2016, 29(6):  185. 
    Abstract ( 388 )   PDF (2477KB) ( 621 )  
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    The paper summarizes the research status of image retrieval based on the visual analysis tools, and an image retrieval system is implemented based on Locality Sensitive Hashing. Image feature vectors are mapped to hash bucket by LSH method, thereby, the method effectively reducing the computational complexity and improves the efficiency of the image retrieval. Experimental results show that, the method in the paper are both obtain better performance on retrieval efficiency and recall - precision of two measures.


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