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15 January 2025 Volume 38 Issue 1
    Output Characteristics of Magnetostrictive Displacement Sensor Considering Skin Effect
    XIAO Mo, WU Qinmu
    Electronic Science and Technology. 2025, 38(1):  1-5.  doi:10.16180/j.cnki.issn1007-7820.2025.01.001
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    In view of the low detection accuracy of magnetostrictive displacement sensor, a calculation model of output voltage of magnetostrictive displacement sensor considering skin effect is proposed in this study. On the baisis of explaining the working principle of the magnetostrictive displacement sensor, the influence of skin depth is analyzed, and the Wiedemann effect and piezomagnetic effect are considered for theoretical analysis. The relationship between the excitation pulse current and the output voltage of the magnetostrictive displacement sensor is simulated by the skin depth generated by the excitation pulse signal acting on the waveguide wire at different frequencies. The optimal parameter value of excitation pulse current frequency is obtained using the experimental platform. Simulation experiments verify that the correctness of the output voltage model of the magnetostrictive displacement sensor considering the skin effect, indicating that the proposed model further improves the detection accuracy of the magnetostrictive displacement sensor and enriches the mathematical model.

    Improved Multi-Objective Salp Swarm Algorithm for Solving Flexible Job Shop Scheduling Problem
    WEI Yu, WAN Weibing
    Electronic Science and Technology. 2025, 38(1):  6-13.  doi:10.16180/j.cnki.issn1007-7820.2025.01.002
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    In view of the flexible job shop scheduling problem, an improved multi-objective salp swarm algorithm combining decay factor and cross-variance operator is proposed. To facilitate the solution of the algorithm, a two-layer coding method of equal length is used and a conversion mechanism based on ascending order rules is introduced to achieve the conversion between individual position vectors and scheduling solutions. Chaotic mapping and a hybrid rule-based approach are used to generate a better initial population. A decay factor and a cross-variance operator are introduced in the position update of individuals to enhance the global search capability of the algorithm. The algorithm's solution performance is tested using standard and real-life examples of the scheduling problem and compared with other algorithms. The results show that the solution capability of the proposed improved multi-objective salp swarm algorithm is significantly improved over the original algorithm, verifying the effectiveness of the improved algorithm in solving the flexible job shop scheduling problem.

    An Airborne Unified Network Protocol Conformance Testing Technique Based on Time Trigger
    YAN Pingping, LI Hui, CHEN Yinchao, YANG Zhaoxu, GUO Xiaodan
    Electronic Science and Technology. 2025, 38(1):  14-22.  doi:10.16180/j.cnki.issn1007-7820.2025.01.003
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    Airborne unified network based on time trigger is an important development direction of next generation aviation airborne system technology.In order to achieve the rapid and reliable interconnection of network equipment, it needs to establish a network protocol standard and test the consistency test of the agreement to ensure that the network signal is reliable and the protocol is correct and trouble-free. Based on the AS6802 and IEEE 802.3 protocols and the requirements of airborne network, this paper selects the standards applicable to the physical layer and link layer of airborne time-triggered network, and establishes the airborne unified network equipment standard. According to the network standard design test project, in conjunction with the test needs, the FPGA(Field Programmable Gate Array)-based testing environment is established. The optical oscilloscope, optical power meter, optical attenuator and other devices are used to test the physical layer signal characteristics such as the sending end eye map, signal rate, rise and fall time, extinction ratio, average optical power, bit error rate at the receiving end, and receiving sensitivity. The network frame required for the test is sent by the specific device simulation end system, and the consistency test of link layer protocol state machine and synchronization parameters is carried out. The test results show that the bit error ratio of network devices is less than 10-12, and indicators such as eye maps meet the physical layer standards. The state machine jump meets the link layer protocol. Important synchronization parameters meet the requirements. Manufacturers achieved interconnection.

    Intelligent Path Planning Based on Ant Colony Algorithm
    TONG Yunhao, XI Zhihong
    Electronic Science and Technology. 2025, 38(1):  23-28.  doi:10.16180/j.cnki.issn1007-7820.2025.01.004
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    In view of the problem that it is difficult to reasonably plan the path after the mobile robot completes its self-positioning and map construction, which leads to the disordered movement of the mobile robot and the waste of resources, ant colony algorithm is adopted to realize the path planning of mobile robot in this study. Ant colony algorithm is a probabilistic algorithm to solve the optimal path in a problem. However, in the general ant colony algorithm, all parameters of the ant colony algorithm are unchanged, resulting in the result of the ant colony algorithm dependent on the pheromone parameters set in the algorithm. In order to solve the above problems, the parameters of ant colony algorithm and pheromone allocation are improved, and the pheromone update standard is improved by changing the pheromone volatility coefficient and pheromone update standard in each iteration and combining with heuristic factors. Setting the adjustable pheromone volatile factor increases the adaptability of the algorithm. According to the meaningful parameter space, the path planning results of the traditional ant colony algorithm and the improved ant colony algorithm are compared under different environments. The path length of the improved ant colony algorithm is reduced by 4.48% and 8.54%, respectively, and no path crossover nodes are generated, which achieves the expected effect of reasonable path planning for mobile robots.

    Omnidirectional Gait Generation Method for Biped Robot with Fusion of Imitation Learning
    FENG Zhen, MOU Haiming, XUE Jie, LI Qingdu
    Electronic Science and Technology. 2025, 38(1):  29-36.  doi:10.16180/j.cnki.issn1007-7820.2025.01.005
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    Due to the complex high-dimensional dynamics and highly dynamic characteristics of bipedal robots, achieving omnidirectional gait is a difficult problem. In order to achieve omnidirectional walking of bipedal robots, this study proposes a gait training method of biped robot based on deep reinforcement learning. Based on expert experience and the periodicity of bipedal walking, periodic symmetric functions that can achieve different gait styles are designed for imitation learning. In order to make the bipedal robot capable of omnidirectional walking, the footstep planner in ROS (Robot Operating System) is used to generate target foothold points for imitation learning. The proposed method is validated on a self-designed bipedal robot. The experimental results show that the proposed method can realize four gait modes of biped robot including forward, side, diagonal and turn, and realize omnidirectional gait of biped robot, and can realize different styles of cycles.

    Research of High-Speed Penetration Damage Source Localization Based on Hilbert-Huang Transform
    LUO Ying, SONG Cheng, XU Chenguang
    Electronic Science and Technology. 2025, 38(1):  37-44.  doi:10.16180/j.cnki.issn1007-7820.2025.01.006
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    Lamb waves generated by high-speed blunt body penetrating a double-layer structure are subject to the effect of complex structural interfaces and test environment in the process of propagation, resulting in the effective signal containing damage characteristics easily disturbed by other factors. This study takes the double-layer steel plate structure as the object of study. The propagation characteristics of Lamb wave generated by penetration in steel plate are studied. For the nonlinear shock source signal, the transient non-smooth signal generated by the intrusion is analyzed and reconstructed based on the HHT(Hilbert-Huang Transform), and the Lamb wave S0 mode signal containing the shock source features is extracted. The results show that the proposed method can effectively eliminate the influence of other incoherent clutter in complex environment, and the reconstructed signal improves the localization accuracy.

    Speech Enhancement Based on the Logarithmic Processing and Time Frequency Masking Estimation
    WANG Xianyun, DOU Shanshan, CHENG Chuhao
    Electronic Science and Technology. 2025, 38(1):  45-51.  doi:10.16180/j.cnki.issn1007-7820.2025.01.007
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    In view of the problem of inaccurate speech estimation by time-spectrum model, this study proposes a model transformation method to obtain the logarithmic probability density function of noise and speech. With the help of the logarithmic relationship among noisy speech, clean speech and noise, and the MMSE(Minimum Mean Square Error) estimation theory, a time-frequency mask of the estimating log-spectrum of speech is derived. A soft mask is also derived based on the logarithmic probability distribution of speech and noise, which can weight the logarithmic subbands of noisy speech to reduce noise and improve the accuracy of speech estimation. The simulation results show that compared with unprocessed noisy speech, the proposed method has an improvement of more than 3 dB in noise suppression. The average improvement in auditory perception of time-frequency mask and soft mask based on MMSE is 27.7% and 29.4%, and the average improvement in intelligibility is 12.7% and 14.3%, respectively.

    Multi-Beam Lidar Rotary Mirror Scanning System
    LIN Jiandong, SONG Yue
    Electronic Science and Technology. 2025, 38(1):  52-58.  doi:10.16180/j.cnki.issn1007-7820.2025.01.008
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    To solve the problem of low spatial resolution of remote target detection caused by fixed angle resolution scanning of traditional multi-line lidar, an eight-line lidar scanning system with symmetrical arrangement of two light sources is proposed. The parameters of the rotating mirror and light source and the scanning trajectory of the beam are studied using the ray vector method, and the parameters of the eight-line lidar are optimized by combining the lidar equation. By strictly calculating the beam trajectories scanned by the mirror with different inclination angles, two light sources are symmetrically arranged on both sides of the eight-sided mirror for time-sharing luminescence detection to realize the eight-sided mirror rotation scanning system with high spatial resolution. The vector calculation results show that there are two scanning detection beams in front of the human body at a distance of 100 m, and there are still three scanning detection beams in the side and edge of the human body, indicating that the proposed eight-sided mirror rotating scanning system can detect long-distance targets more effectively using scanning beams, which is better than the Velodyne 64-line lidar.

    Research Progress of Silicon-Based Optical Waveguide Beam Splitter
    CHEN Menglin, FENG Song, WANG Di, LIU Yong, HU Xiangjian, FENG Lulu
    Electronic Science and Technology. 2025, 38(1):  59-72.  doi:10.16180/j.cnki.issn1007-7820.2025.01.009
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    As an important device in photonic integrated circuit, optical waveguide devices can be divided into active device with modulation function and passive device with static characteristic. Optical waveguide beam splitter is one of the important passive devices in optical communication networks. It is widely used in optical communication systems to realize efficient and fast information transmission. Silicon-based materials have become the main substrate materials for photonic integrated circuits due to their superior photoelectric properties and compatibility with semiconductor processes in integrated circuits. In this study, the current research status of silicon optical waveguide beam splitters is analyzed, the directional coupler, multimode interference coupler and subwavelength grating are summarized, and the dimensions and performance of different types of silicon optical waveguide beam splitters are discussed and compared. It provides a new idea for developing low loss, small size and wide band optical waveguide beam splitte.

    Fault-Tolerant Real-Time Scheduling Algorithm in Multi-Core Processor
    ZHU Yangshuo, LÜ Haiyu, LI Yichen, ZHANG Fengdeng
    Electronic Science and Technology. 2025, 38(1):  73-80.  doi:10.16180/j.cnki.issn1007-7820.2025.01.010
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    In view of the problems such as too many times of rejected tasks and waste of resources in fault-tolerant fair scheduling FT-FS(Fault Tolerate Fair Scheduler) algorithm, a new fair scheduling algorithm PA-FTFS(Primary-Alternate and Fault Tolerant Fair Scheduling) is proposed based on FT-FS algorithm by integrating the main/alternative PA(Primary Alternate) fault-tolerant strategy. This algorithm can reduce the number of rejected tasks in multi-core processor system and reduce the waste of resources. MATLAB simulation software is used to verify the above algorithms. The experimental results show that PA-FTFS algorithm using proportional replacement task strategy has significantly reduced the number of task rejection times compared with FT-FS algorithm after permanent kernel failure. Data analysis shows that PA-FTFS algorithm has better failure rate and scheduling rate than FT-FS algorithm.

    A Vehicle Detection Algorithm Based on Improved YOLOv4
    LAI Ying, JU Zhiyong, YE Yuxin
    Electronic Science and Technology. 2025, 38(1):  81-87.  doi:10.16180/j.cnki.issn1007-7820.2025.01.011
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    In the process of vehicle detection in traffic monitoring, there are some problems such as vehicles shielding each other and insufficient distance target size, which leads to missing detection and false detection. To solve this problem, this study proposes a traffic vehicle detection algorithm based on YOLOv4(You Only Look Once version 4) multi-scale fusion and attention mechanism. A new feature layer is added to YOLOv4's path aggregation network for multi-scale feature fusion to improve the model's ability to extract underlying texture features. The ECA (Efficient Channel Attention) channel attention module is embedded in front of YOLO Head detection head to reasonably suppress and enhance the aggregated features. The CIoU (Complete Intersection over Union) loss function is replaced by the Soft-CIoU loss function to improve the contribution of small target vehicles to the loss function. The experimental results on the publicly available vehicle data sets UA-DETRAC and KITTI show that compared to the original YOLOv4 algorithm, the average accuracy of the proposed algorithm improves by 2.45 percentage points and 1.14 percentage points, respectively, and the detection speed reaches 41.67 frame·s-1.The proposed algorithm performs well in detection accuracy when compared with other advanced algorithms.

    Depression Detection Based on Cross User Audio Domain Adaptation Network
    WU Wei, MA Longhua, ZHAO Xianghong
    Electronic Science and Technology. 2025, 38(1):  88-94.  doi:10.16180/j.cnki.issn1007-7820.2025.01.012
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    Because of the subjective detection of depression, the use of user voice diagnosis of depression has become a more potential auxiliary way. However, the speech signals of different users are different. In this study, a CUADAN(Cross User Audio Domain Adaptation Network) is proposed to detect depression. Visual Mel spectrograms are extracted from the audio, and the feature extractor of the CUADAN model is used to extract deeper depression features from the Mel spectrograms. Since the source domain and target domain contain the voice features of different healthy users and depressed users, the domain classifier of CUADAN model is used to perform domain adaptation between different user data, so that unknown users can be detected by existing classifiers. The experimental results show that the CUADAN model has a higher depression detection accuracy, with an average accuracy of 81.0±2.4%. Therefore, the CUADAN model can effectively weaken the differences between different users' voices and improve the accuracy of cross-user depression detection.


Monthly,Founded in September 1987
Competent Authorities:
Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China
Sponsored by:Xidian University
Chief Editor:Liao Guisheng
Executive Editor:Wan Liancheng
Editor:Hei Lei
Editor and Publisher:
The Editorial Department of Electronic Science and Technology
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