西安电子科技大学学报 ›› 2023, Vol. 50 ›› Issue (6): 44-61.doi: 10.19665/j.issn1001-2400.20230903

• 电磁空间安全专栏 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 北京理工大学 信息与电子学院,北京 100081
  • 收稿日期:2023-03-10 出版日期:2023-12-20 发布日期:2024-01-22
  • 通讯作者: 高梅国(1965—),男,教授,E-mail:meiguo_g@bit.edu.cn
  • 作者简介:马小梦(1994—),男,北京理工大学博士研究生,E-mail:bit_mxm@163.com;|于默涵(1999—),女,北京理工大学硕士研究生,E-mail:1752858199@qq.com;|李云杰(1975—),男,教授,E-mail:liyunjie@bit.edu.cn
  • 基金资助:

Research on the interference combinational sequence generation algorithm for the intelligent countermeasure UAV

MA Xiaomeng(),GAO Meiguo(),YU Mohan(),LI Yunjie()   

  1. School of Communication and Electronics,Beijing Institute of Technology,Beijing 100081,China
  • Received:2023-03-10 Online:2023-12-20 Published:2024-01-22



关键词: 深度强化学习, 无人机, 态势感知, 智能, 对抗, 干扰组合


With the maturity and development of the autonomous navigation flight technology for the unmanned aerial vehicle(UAV),the phenomenon of the unauthorized UAV flying in controlled airspace appears,which brings a great hidden danger to personal safety and causes a certain degree of economic losses.The research of this paper is on improving the effectiveness of adaptive measurement and control and navigation interference in the unknown situation of UAV flight control on the basis of identifying the UAV flight status and real-time evaluation of countermeasure effectiveness,and finally realizing the intelligent countermeasure game between the non-intelligent UAV based on the combination of remote communication interference and navigation and positioning interference.In this paper,a game model of the anti-UAV system(AUS) and UAV confrontation is developed based on the original units of radar detection,GPS navigation positioning,UAV remote communication suppression jamming and GPS navigation suppression and spoofing.The mathematical model is constructed by using deep reinforcement learning and the Markov decision process.Meanwhile,the concept of situation assessment ring for the classification of the UVA flight status is proposed to provide basic information for network sensing jamming effectiveness.The near-end strategy optimization algorithm,maximum entropy optimization algorithm and actor-critic algorithm are respectively used to train the constructed intelligent AUS for many times,and finally the network parameters are generated to generate the intelligent interference combination sequence according to the UAV flight state and countermeasures efficiency.The intelligent interference combination sequences generated by various deep reinforcement learning algorithms in this paper all achieve the initial goal of deceiving UAVs,which verifies the effectiveness of the anti-UAVs system model.The comparison experiment shows that the proposed situation assessment loop is sufficient and effective in the aspect of AUS sensing interference effectiveness.

Key words: deep reinforce learning, UAV, situational awareness, intelligence, confrontation, interference combination


  • TN911.7