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  1. (1. 陕西师范大学 现代教育技术教育部重点实验室,陕西 西安 710119;
    2. 陕西师范大学 计算机科学学院,陕西 西安 710119)
  • 收稿日期:2017-11-01 出版日期:2018-10-20 发布日期:2018-09-25
  • 通讯作者: 武杰(1985-),男,讲师,博士,E-mail: 607wujie2005@163.com
  • 作者简介:马苗(1977-),女,教授,E-mail: mmthp@snnu.edu.cn
  • 基金资助:


Coupled-deep belief network based method for image recognition

MA Miao1,2;XU Xidan2;WU Jie2   

  1. (1. Key Lab. of Modern Teaching Technology, Ministry of Education, Shaanxi Normal Univ.,Xi'an 710119, China;
    2. School of Computer Science, Shaanxi Normal Univ., Xi'an 710119, China)
  • Received:2017-11-01 Online:2018-10-20 Published:2018-09-25



关键词: 跨层连接, 深度信念网络, 深度学习, 图像识别


Aiming at the gradient vanishing problem caused by the increasing number of network layers, an image recognition method based on the Coupled-Deep Belief Network (C-DBN) is proposed, which introduces the cross-layer linkage to the Deep Belief Network (DBN). The structure and the parameter updating method for the C-DBN are given in detail, while the performance of the DBN and that of the C-DBN are compared with respect to their respective best parameters and the same net-depth on two image datasets. Moreover, the impact of the weights used in the coupling between the primary line and the secondary line is analyzed at the cross-layer linkage. Besides, several classic deep learning based methods are compared with the proposed C-DBN. Experimental results show that the C-DBN is superior to the DBN in terms of convergence speed and accuracy. And, a good performance is achieved by the proposed method in comparison with some classical deep learning methods. This means that the usage of cross-layer linkage can alleviate the gradient vanishing problems effectively in the DBN training, which helps to improve the following recognition performance.

Key words: cross-layer linkage, deep belief network, deep learning, image recognition