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  1. (西安电子科技大学 雷达信号处理重点实验室,陕西 西安 710071)
  • 收稿日期:2007-10-15 修回日期:1900-01-01 出版日期:2008-12-20 发布日期:2008-12-20
  • 通讯作者: 孟祥东

Clutter analysis and range-ambiguous clutter suppression for bistatic airborne radar

MENG Xiang-dong;WU Jian-xin;WANG Tong;BAO Zheng

  1. (Key Lab. of Radar Signal Processing, Xidian Univ., Xi’an 710071, China)
  • Received:2007-10-15 Revised:1900-01-01 Online:2008-12-20 Published:2008-12-20
  • Contact: MENG Xiang-dong

摘要: 分析了各种机载双基雷达构型的几何关系,采用以方位角和双基距离为变量的杂波建模方法,推导出了在任意双基构型下接收杂波多普勒频率的计算公式.为分析双基杂波特性,提供了有效工具.然后针对具有距离模糊的杂波,提出了对各次模糊距离的主杂波分别做角度多普勒补偿的空时自适应处理(STAP)方法,有效地解决了双基雷达各次距离模糊杂波的抑制问题.

关键词: 杂波抑制, 空时自适应处理, 角度多普勒补偿

Abstract: The geometry of every bistatic airborne radar configuration is analysed. A clutter mode with the variable azimuth angle and bistatic range is presented. A formula for calculating the Doppler frequency of receiving clutter in any bistatic configuration is deduced. It is an efficient tool for bistatic clutter analysis. And then a STAP approach to compensating the angle-Doppler difference of mainlobe clutter according to every ambiguous range apart is proposed. The problem of bistatic clutter suppression is solved perfectly.

Key words: clutter suppression, STAP, angle-Doppler compensation


  • TN957