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  1. (1. 西安电子科技大学 电子工程学院,陕西 西安 710071;
    2. 空军工程大学 导弹学院,陕西 三原 713800)
  • 收稿日期:2008-05-17 修回日期:1900-01-01 出版日期:2008-12-20 发布日期:2008-12-20
  • 通讯作者: 刘进忙

Novel parameter estimation principium about trajectory invariable-information of target elevation information

LIU Jing-mang1,2;YANG Wan-hai1;YANG Bai-sheng1;ZUO Tao2

  1. (1. School of Electronic Engineering, Xidian Univ., Xi’an 710071, China;
    2. Missile Inst. of Air Force Eng. Univ., Sanyuan 713800, China)
  • Received:2008-05-17 Revised:1900-01-01 Online:2008-12-20 Published:2008-12-20
  • Contact: LIU Jing-mang

摘要: 根据所提出的余切关系定理,实现了纯方位观测的直线运动目标跟踪.推广到单/多站包含仰角信息的目标跟踪问题,并提出了基于仰角信息的目标的航迹参数计算和跟踪原理.在单站方位信息的支援下,依据仰角信息的不变量,从估算目标的航向仰角开始,推导出比值不变量,实现目标的仰角预测.分析了两站的目标参数解算方法,讨论了3站纯仰角同步信息的跟踪原理.实验结果证明了该方法的实用性和可靠性.

关键词: 几何定理, 单站目标跟踪, 角度观测, 航迹不变量

Abstract: According to the author’s Cotangent relations theorem, bearings-only target tracking with linear motion is achieved. For the single/multiple senor measurements including elevations based target tracking problem, theorems for both target trajectory parameters estimation and tracking are proposed. With the supports from the single sensor bearings, and the elevation constants, target elevations are predicted by estimations of target heading angles and the deduced invariable-information of ratios. Then, target parameters estimation by two sensors measurements is analyzed, and the tracking principium by three-sensor synchronous measurements is discussed. Simulation results show the reliability and the practicability of the peoposed algorithms.

Key words: geometry theorem, single sensor target tracking, angle measurement, trajectory invariable-information


  • TN953