J4 ›› 2015, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (2): 140-145.doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1001-2400.2015.02.023

• 研究论文 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. (1. 工业和信息化部 电信研究院,北京 100191; 2. 重庆邮电大学 宽带泛在接入技术研究所,重庆 400065)
  • 收稿日期:2013-11-12 出版日期:2015-04-20 发布日期:2015-04-14
  • 通讯作者: 杨鹏
  • 作者简介:杨鹏(1980-),男,高级工程师,E-mail: yangpeng@catr.cn.
  • 基金资助:

Delay-aware scheduling algorithm for enhancing video services QoS in the LTE

YANG Peng1,2;LI Xiangpan2;LIU Dou2   

  1. (1. China Academy of Telecommunications Research, Beijing 100191, China; 2. Broadband Ubiquitous Network Research Laboratory, Chongqing Univ. of Posts and Telecommunications, Chongqing 400065, China)
  • Received:2013-11-12 Online:2015-04-20 Published:2015-04-14
  • Contact: YANG Peng

摘要: 提出了一种改善视频业务流性能的分组调度算法,综合考虑了队列中分组丢失的数量和分组时延信息,动态地调整用户的优先级,以达到降低系统丢包率和最大化系统吞吐量的目的.仿真结果表明,与当前典型的分组调度算法相比,所提出的算法能够较大幅度地改善丢包率、公平性、吞吐量等方面的性能.

关键词: 长期演进, 分组调度, 服务质量, 时延

Abstract: We present a packet scheduling algorithm to improve the performance of video traffic. By considering the number of packet loss and packet delay in the buffer, the priority of each user can be adjusted dynamically to reduce the packet loss rate and maximize the system throughput. The results show that, compared with the current typical packet scheduling algorithm, the proposed algorithm can significantly improve the packet loss rate, fairness, throughput and other performance.

Key words: long term evolution, packet scheduling, quality of service, delay