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  1. (空军工程大学 信息与导航学院, 陕西 西安 710077)
  • 收稿日期:2016-09-14 出版日期:2017-06-20 发布日期:2017-07-17
  • 作者简介:刘帅琦(1992-),女,空军工程大学硕士研究生,E-mail: sqliu@stu.xidian.edu.cn
  • 基金资助:


DOA estimation method for two-dimensional hybrid MIMO phased-array radar

LIU Shuaiqi;WANG Buhong;LI Longjun;LI Xia;CAO Shuai   

  1. (College of Information and Navigation, Air Force Engineering Univ., Xi 'an 710077, China)
  • Received:2016-09-14 Online:2017-06-20 Published:2017-07-17



关键词: 二维混合多输入多输出相控阵雷达, 酉ESPRIT, 波达方向估计, 凸优化


Aiming at the direction of arrival(DOA) estimation problem of the Two-Dimensional Hybrid MIMO(Multiple-Input Multiple-Output) Phased-array Radar, an effective solution is proposed based on transmit weight optimization and Unitary ESPRIT of the virtual array. First, we build the receiving signal model. Then a transmit weight vector is designed by convex optimization to simultaneously construct the receiving subarray rotational invariance and control the side lobe of the pattern of Two-Dimensional Hybrid MIMO Phased-array Radar to improve the DOA estimation accuracy. Finally, the Unitary ESPRIT is exploited to estimate the azimuth and elevation of Two-Dimensional Hybrid MIMO Phased-array Radar to decrease the calculation load. Numerical simulations show that our approach can realize DOA estimation of the Two-Dimensional Hybrid MIMO Phased-array Radar.

Key words: two-dimensional hybrid MIMO phased-array radar, unitary ESPRIT, DOA estimation, convex optimization