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    20 February 2020 Volume 47 Issue 1
    Design and performance analysis of the PQMC-NRCDSK
    ZHANG Gang,HUANG Nanfei,ZHANG Tianqi
    Journal of Xidian University. 2020, 47(1):  1-9.  doi:10.19665/j.issn1001-2400.2020.01.001
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    Aiming at the problems of a low information rate and the poor bit error performance of traditional chaotic keying schemes, a Phase Quadrature Multi-Carrier Noise Reduction Correlated Delay Shift Keying (PQMC-NRCDSK) scheme is proposed. In this scheme, the superposition of chaotic sequence and its time delay sequence is used as the reference signal, and the product of the chaotic sequence and its time delay sequence with data information is used as the information bearing signal. The reference signal and information bearing signal are transmitted by the carrier with different frequencies and quadrature phase, and multiple antennas are used to transmit and acquire signals at the sender and receiver, respectively. The error performance of this scheme in the multi-path fading channel is studied in detail and verified by theoretical analysis and experimental verification. Experimental results show that the theoretical analysis is consistent with the simulation results, and the correctness of the theoretical analysis is verified. The information rate of the PQMC-NRCDSK scheme is higher than that of the MC-CDSK and CDSK schemes under the same carrier number, and is twice as high as that of the MC-CDSK scheme. On the other hand, the error performance of the PQMC-NRCDSK scheme is obviously better than that of the above schemes.

    Pedestrian trajectory prediction model with social features and attention
    ZHANG Zhiyuan,DIAO Yinghua
    Journal of Xidian University. 2020, 47(1):  10-17.  doi:10.19665/j.issn1001-2400.2020.01.002
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    To address the problems that the pedestrian interaction feature of the Social GAN is simple and that it cannot make full use of the most of pedestrian interaction information, this paper proposes a pedestrian trajectory prediction model with social features and attention mechanism. This model adapts the structure of generative adversarial networks. The generator adapts an encoder-decoder model and the attention model is put between encoder and decoder. Three social features are set to enrich pedestrian interaction information which assists the attention module to make full use of the most of pedestrian interaction information by allocating the influence of pedestrians in the scene, so that the accuracy of the model is improved. Experimental results on multiple datasets show that the accuracy of this model in the pedestrian trajectory prediction task is increased by 15% compared with the previous pedestrian trajectory prediction model based on the pooling module. The improvement effect is most obvious in scenes with dense pedestrians and lots of non-straight tracks, with the accuracy increased by 34%.

    Blindrecognition of the long constrained non-recursive systematic convolutional code
    WANG Jiafeng,HU Maohai,JIANG Hongyu,QI Gang
    Journal of Xidian University. 2020, 47(1):  18-23.  doi:10.19665/j.issn1001-2400.2020.01.003
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    A coding parameters identification method is proposed, which is suitable for long constrained non-recursive systematic convolutional codes with a code rate of 1/2 and (n-1)/n obtained by puncturing the 1/2 code as the mother code. First, according to the coding principle, a linear block code with a code length of about 1/n of the original convolutional code constrained length is constructed by using the coding data; then, the check matrix of the linear block code is obtained, and the generator polynomial of the original convolutional code is reconstructed from the check matrix. Simulation experiments are carried out for two convolutional codes involved in IESS309. Compared with the existing method, when the code rate is 1/2, the recognition performance is improved by about 1dB; when the code rate is 2/3 and 3/4, the improvement is more than 2dB. Simulation results show that the proposed method is more effective than the existing method.

    W-band 3.4 W/mm GaN power amplifier MMIC
    GE Qin,XU Bo,TAO Hongqi,WANG Weibo,MA Xiaohua,GUO Fangjin,LIU Yu
    Journal of Xidian University. 2020, 47(1):  24-29.  doi:10.19665/j.issn1001-2400.2020.01.004
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    A high power density monolithic microwave integrated circuit (MMIC) power amplifier is presented for W band application. The chip is fabricated using the 100 nm GaN high electron mobility transistor (HEMT) technology on a 50 μm SiC substrate. The amplifier is designed for a high gain and high output power with three stage topology and low-loss impedance matching networks designed with high and low characteristic impedance micro-strips and metal-insulator-metal (MIM) capacitors. And quarter-wave micro-strips are employed for the DC bias networks, while the power amplifier is also fully integrated with bias networks on the wafer.Measurement results show that, at the drain bias of 15 V, the amplifier MMIC achieves a typical small signal gain of 20 dB within the frequency range of 88~98 GHz. Moreover, the saturated output power is more than 250 mW at the continuous-wave mode. At 98 GHz, a peak output power of 405 mW has been achieved with an associated power gain of 13 dB and a power-added-efficiency of 14.4%. Thus, this GaN MMIC delivers a corresponding peak power density of 3.4 W/mm at the W band.

    lp-norm regularization optimization of impulsive disturbance removal
    LI Li,YAN Li,ZHOU Lei,LI Dong,LIU Hongqing
    Journal of Xidian University. 2020, 47(1):  30-36.  doi:10.19665/j.issn1001-2400.2020.01.005
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    This work addresses the signal recovery problem in the presence of impulsive disturbance utilizing lp-norm optimization. In doing so, the resultant optimization is difficult to solve, especially when 0<p< 1, because it is nonconvex. In this work, the alternating direction method for multipliers steps is developed to efficiently obtain the solution from this optimization. In each step of the alternating direction method for multipliers, the corresponding solutions are respectively obtained by utilizing the iteratively reweighted least squares and interior-point approach. Numerical studies including an application of image enhancement demonstrate the superior performance of the proposed weighted estimation algorithms compared to the lp-ADM approach.

    Improved algorithm for detection of the malicious domain name based on the convolutional neural network
    YANG Luhui,LIU Guangjie,ZHAI Jiangtao,LIU Weiwei,BAI Huiwen,DAI Yuewei
    Journal of Xidian University. 2020, 47(1):  37-43.  doi:10.19665/j.issn1001-2400.2020.01.006
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    Aiming at the problem that the existing detection methods are not efficient in detecting the malicious domain name generated by the algorithm, especially the detection rate of several types of malicious domain names that are difficult to detect is low, an improved algorithm for detection of the malicious domain name based on the convolutional neural network is proposed. Based on the existing convolutional neural network model, this algorithm adds convolutional branches to extract deeper character-level features, so that both shallow and deep character-level features of malicious domain names could be extracted and fused simultaneously. A focal loss function is introduced as a loss function to solve the problem of sample imbalance caused by difficulty and quantity, which is used to improve the detection accuracy of hard-to-detect samples. The average detection accuracy of the improved algorithm for 20 types of malicious domain names is 97.62%, that is, 0.94% higher than that of the original algorithm, and the detection accuracy of four hard-to-detect domain names is increased by 3.71%, 4.6%, 11.18% and 17.8%, respectively. Experimental results show that the improved algorithm can effectively improve the detection accuracy of malicious domain names, especially for some hard-to-detect domain names.

    Method for data recovery in the sensor network based on the joint graph model
    YANG Jie,JIANG Junzheng
    Journal of Xidian University. 2020, 47(1):  44-51.  doi:10.19665/j.issn1001-2400.2020.01.007
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    In order to ensure that the sensor network data are reliable, and that the efficiency of data processing is not reduced due to the lack of network data, a method for data recovery in the sensor network based on the joint graph model is proposed. First, this paper establishes a joint graph domain model based on the smoothness of network data in the time-domain and spatial-domain, and then an iterative recovery method is proposed to recover the network data, which is based on the association characteristics of network data in the joint graph domain model. Experimental simulation shows that compared with the recovery method based on graph total variation minimization in the graph signal model, the method of data recovery based on the joint graph model improves not only by about thirty percent of the data recovery accuracy, but also by about eighty percent of the iteration efficiency.

    Analysis of the performance of energy harvesting cognitive relay networks over κ-μ fading
    LUO Yi,SHI Ronghua,DONG Jian,WANG Yuting
    Journal of Xidian University. 2020, 47(1):  52-59.  doi:10.19665/j.issn1001-2400.2020.01.008
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    Aiming at the problems of small coverage, short lifetime and diversity link channel attenuation in energy-constrained cognitive relay networks, the outage performance of energy harvesting multi-hop cognitive relay networks over complicated fading channel scenarios are studied. First, the κ-μ distribution is adopted to represent various single and mixed line-of-sight and non-line-of-sight fading channel scenarios. Then the dedicated power beacon assisted energy harvesting underlay multi-hop decode-and-forward cognitive relay networks are constructed. The exact and asymptotic unified outage probability expressions for secondary networks are derived over the κ-μ fading channels. Simulation results show that the secondary outage probability can be monotonically decreased with the increase of the power beacon signal’s power or/and primary networks’ interference constraint until it tends to saturation on the condition of various fading channel scenarios, and the secondary networks’ outage probability can be degraded with the deterioration of the channel link condition when the primary networks’ interference constraint is lower, and the secondary networks’ outage performance can also be increased with the improvement of the channel link condition when the primary networks’ interference constraint is higher. The secondary networks’ outage probability can be decreased by reasonable settings of the hop number and energy harvesting ratio according to the type of fading channel scenarios.

    Scheme for antenna design used in in-band full-duplex communication
    LIU Weirong,XUN Jianhui,SHI Lingfeng
    Journal of Xidian University. 2020, 47(1):  60-65.  doi:10.19665/j.issn1001-2400.2020.01.009
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    In order to effectively suppress the self-interference of the in-band full-duplex communication system, a solution for designing the transceiver antenna based on the simple ring structure and collinear dipole is proposed. In this design, two printed dipole antennas are placed in the zero radiation direction of each other to achieve low port isolation between the two transceiver antennas. Then a simple ring structure is added to improve the isolation between the two antennas. Experimental results show that the two transceiver antennas designed by this scheme have omnidirectional radiation characteristics and can obtain a high port isolation of better than 45.9 dB in 2.4~2.6 GHz band. The scheme for designing the transceiver antenna proposed in this paper can not only effectively reduce the interference between two transceiver antennas, but also provide omnidirectional signal coverage. It is an effective solution for designing transceiver antennas for the in-band full-duplex communication system.

    Environmentally-adaptive secure routing protocol for satellite networks
    BI Mengge,JU Yu,HOU Ronghui
    Journal of Xidian University. 2020, 47(1):  66-72.  doi:10.19665/j.issn1001-2400.2020.01.010
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    In order to solve the security problem of data transmission in Low Earth Orbit(LEO) satellite networks, a novel secure routing protocol is designed. First, by considering two aspects of satellite behavior attribute and communication capability attribute, a multi-dimensional security evaluation model is established, and the model for evaluating the satellite security communication capability is dynamically adjusted with the network state. Then, combined with the on-demand routing protocol, the secure communication path is established by taking the quantitative evaluation of satellite security communication capability as the routing metric. Finally the forwarding behavior of nodes in the transmission path is monitored in real time, and the routing reconstruction is triggered as needed. Simulation results show that, compared with the existing protocol, the proposed protocol can significantly improve the performance of the packet delivery rate, average end-to-end delay and average hop than the existing protocol when malicious nodes exist in the network. The protocol can effectively improve the security of data transmission in LEO satellite networks.

    Anti-jamming algorithm for spread spectrum communication using blind source separation
    ZHAO Wei,CHOU Shengnan,YANG Shuo,LI Xiongfei
    Journal of Xidian University. 2020, 47(1):  73-79.  doi:10.19665/j.issn1001-2400.2020.01.011
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    An improved anti-jamming algorithm for spread spectrum communication based on blind source separation (BSS) is proposed to solve the problem that the separation performance of BSS technology deteriorates at a low signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), especially at the threshold SNR of spread spectrum communication. First, the algorithm detects the ambiguity of the output of the blind source separation algorithm, and then uses the detection result to correct the separation matrix. Finally, the new separation matrix is obtained by accumulating a plurality of modified matrices, and applied to the jamming separation of the system. The algorithm has a simple structure and can realize anti-jamming communication of the spread spectrum system at the demodulation threshold. Simulation results show that the demodulation error performance of the communication signal after removing the jamming by the algorithm at a negative SNR is still close to the theoretical performance.

    Ultrasound probe guiding method using vision and force
    CHENG Tianyou,LIN Yanping,MA Xiaojun
    Journal of Xidian University. 2020, 47(1):  80-87.  doi:10.19665/j.issn1001-2400.2020.01.012
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    Since images in traditional ultrasound-guided puncture surgery are obtained by touching the position of the lesion with a hand-held ultrasound probe, it often causes puncture failure by inaccurate probe positioning and unstable contact force control due to the doctor’s fatigue or poor experience. In this regard, a method for guiding the automatic positioning of the ultrasonic probe by using vision and force is proposed. First, the combined image processing algorithm and matching algorithm are used to detect the small target feature points. Then, the robotic arm is used to guide the ultrasonic probe to the initial desired pose based on the desired image through the positional visual servo and pose transformation. Finally, the force closed-loop control algorithm is adopted to fine-tune the probe position to ensure a constant contact pressure. Experimental results show that the average of the feature point detection matching error and the average visual positioning error of this method is within 2.5 pixels, and that the average contact force of the ultrasonic probe is stable at 3.86N. Compared with the traditional hand-held method, the ultrasonic probe has a higher positioning accuracy and more stable contact with the measured object, which makes the doctor’s operation easier.

    Electroless deposition of carbon nanotubes doped with nickel and its electrical contact characteristics
    DONG Shuai,CHANG Chunrui,LIANG Zhiqi,ZHANG Zhiming,AN Libao
    Journal of Xidian University. 2020, 47(1):  88-94.  doi:10.19665/j.issn1001-2400.2020.01.013
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    A simple and low-cost electroless deposition technique is used to prepare nickel-doped carbon nanotubes under different doping conditions, and to explore the influence of different nickel doped samples on the electrical contact properties of carbon nanotubes. First, the original carbon nanotubes are subjected to mixed acid oxidation, sensitization and activation treatment. Subsequently, the nickel chloride hexahydrate is used as the main salt and dimethylamine borane is used as the reducing agent to prepare the electroless deposition solution. And then, the prepared carbon nanotube dispersion is dropped into the electroless deposition solution to obtain the sample of nickel-doped carbon nanotubes. Morphological characterization indicates that the nanoparticles with different particle sizes and doping amounts could be doped on the surface of carbon nanotubes under different deposition conditions. The X-ray energy spectrum shows that the main component of the doped nanoparticles is nickel, and the further X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy reveals the constituent valence state of nickel. However, the Raman spectra indicate that the doping type of nickel-doped carbon nanotubes by this deposition method is the P-type. Finally, the electrical contact performance test results show that the electrical contact properties between gold electrodes and nickel-doped carbon nanotubes with different particle sizes and doping contents are different, but that all of them can be improved to a certain extent. According to the order of nanoparticles with a small particle size and a moderate amount, those with a moderate particle size and a moderate amount, and those with a large particle size and a large amount in the nickel-doped sample, the average value of the contact resistance decreases by 32.70%, 71.63% and 49.33%, respectively.

    Visible light assisted relay communication system and a power allocation scheme
    XIE Fan,FENG Lifang
    Journal of Xidian University. 2020, 47(1):  95-103.  doi:10.19665/j.issn1001-2400.2020.01.014
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    When the indoor visible light communication link is interrupted due to occlusion blocking, the signal needs to be forwarded through the auxiliary relay, and therefore, an indoor visible light communication auxiliary relay system model is established. First, the positional constraint relationship of indoor light source on the roof when there is link blockage in the indoor visible light communication system is analyzed by using the office ceiling light as the signal light source and relay, and the asymmetrically multiplexing DC offset optical orthogonal frequency division multiplexing is used to realize the auxiliary relay signal multiplexing, which ensures the occlusion signal relay transmission while maintaining its target terminal. Then the genetic algorithm is used to optimize the distribution of the power at the source and the relay to optimize the system performance, and the BER performance of the equal power allocation scheme is compared in the occlusion case. The results show that when the direct communication link is blocked, the system loss of the auxiliary relay system with the optimal power allocation scheme is 3 dB less than the system with equal power allocation.

    Speech enhancement method based on the multi-head self-attention mechanism
    CHANG Xinxu,ZHANG Yang,YANG Lin,KOU Jinqiao,WANG Xin,XU Dongdong
    Journal of Xidian University. 2020, 47(1):  104-110.  doi:10.19665/j.issn1001-2400.2020.01.015
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    The human ear can only accept one sound signal at one time, and the signal with the highest energy will shield other signals with low energy. According to the above principle, this paper combines the self-attention and the multi-head attention to propose a speech enhancement method based on the multi-head self-attention mechanism. By applying multi-head self-attention calculation to the input noisy speech features, the clean speech part and the noise part of the input speech feature can be clearly distinguished, thereby enabling subsequent processing to suppress noise more effectively. Experimental results show that the proposed method significantly outperforms the method based on the recurrent neural network in terms of both speech quality and intelligibility.

    New index for evaluation of the accuracy of the track fusion algorithm
    LI Yuewu,HU Jianwang,JI Bing
    Journal of Xidian University. 2020, 47(1):  111-119.  doi:10.19665/j.issn1001-2400.2020.01.016
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    Aiming at the problem of evaluation of the accuracy of track fusion algorithms, a new evaluation index is proposed. The index is based on the cardinalized optimal linear assignment metric. The Hellinger distance is used to replace the Euclidean distance of the distance error part of the metric, so that the error covariance of the state is considered and the cutoff distance is removed, making the cutoff parameter only play the role of adjusting the weight between the distance error and the cardinal error. A variable is added in the potential error part, and can be set according to the need so as to achieve the function of whether the index considers the cardinal error. Simulation experiments show that the new index can not only correctly evaluate the fusion precision, but also evaluate the pros and cons of the fusion algorithm more sensitively by considering the state uncertainty and cardinal error, and that it can effectively evaluate the fusion precision when the fusion error expectation is unknown.

    Method for multi-band image feature-level fusion based on the attention mechanism
    YANG Xiaoli,LIN Suzhen
    Journal of Xidian University. 2020, 47(1):  120-127.  doi:10.19665/j.issn1001-2400.2020.01.017
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    Aiming at the low definition and poor details of synchronous multi-band image fusion, a novel method based on attention generative adversarial networks is proposed. First, the attention weight map is constructed using the difference between the multi-band feature map and its mean, then the feature enhancement map is obtained by the point multiplication and addition of the feature map and the attention weight map to construct the feature enhancement module. Second, the feature-level fusion module is designed, which connects the multi-band feature enhancement map and reconstructs the fused image through normalization, upsampling, convolution, etc. Finally, the feature enhancement module and the feature-level fusion module are cascaded to build the generator, and the VGG-16 is used as a discriminator to establish a Generative Adversarial Network, thereby implementing multi-band image end-to-end fusion. Experimental results show that the proposed fusion method can lead to the most prominent average gradient compared with classical fusion methods, and that the effectiveness of the proposed method is verified.

    Deduplication technology for the mobile flash
    HE Qinlu,BIAN Genqing,SHAO Bilin,ZHANG Weiqi
    Journal of Xidian University. 2020, 47(1):  128-134.  doi:10.19665/j.issn1001-2400.2020.01.018
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    The performance, capacity and reliability of the flash memory on devices such as smartphones and the Internet of Things are limited. Deduplication can resolve these restrictions by removing the duplicate I/O, but must be done under various resource constraints on the device. This paper proposes the M-Dedupe deduplication, which applies content-aware deduplication I/O requests on critical paths, and improves the performance and efficiency of mobile phones by improving the efficiency of flash garbage collection. The prototype system verification results show that the M-Dedupe reduces the write data by an average of 23.7%~42.5%, the average write response time by 21.2%~39.8%, and the average erased block by 16.8%~43.9%. Besides, it can achieve high-deciding duplication in the mobile flash system, improve the deduplication efficiency, and save the storage space.