Electronic Science and Technology ›› 2011, Vol. 24 ›› Issue (10): 24-.
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YANG Jian, JI Lu-Bin
An audio-player for USB flash disk based on STC12C5A60S2 is designed.This paper introduces the design ideas and the principle block diagram,presents the hardware circuits of the three modules of the player,and then provides the software program flow.The result shows that the player achieves desired functionality and has a high cost performance.
Key words: USB flash disk, MP3 Player, STC12C5A60S2, VS1003
CLC Number:
YANG Jian, JI Lu-Bin. Design of Audio Player for USB Flash Disk Based on STC12C5A60S2[J].Electronic Science and Technology, 2011, 24(10): 24-.
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URL: https://journal.xidian.edu.cn/dzkj/EN/
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